樣板:Borneo Plant


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Borneo Plants

  1. Lee, Y. F. and Alviana Damit Sandakan Rainforest Park - Sabah Forestry Department
  2. Lahasing, Guslia, Rita Ignatius and Ann Anton Kota Kinabalu wetlands towards its ramsar status
  3. Mohizah, M., S. Julia and W. K. Soh 2006 A Sarawak Gazetteer Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
  1. Ismail, Ghazally and Laily Bin Din 1998 Bario The Kelabit highlands of Sarawak A scientific journey through Borneo of Biodiversity & environmental conservation
  2. Sabah Biodiversity Conservation Project 1998 The Kerangas forests of Nabawan - A botanical assessment and recommendations for conservation Forest research centre Sabah Forestry department
  3. Nature trails Guidebook - Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
  4. The Living, Breathing World of Borneo’s Carnivorous Pitcher Plants


  1. Argent, George , Anthony Lamb, Anthea Phillipps, S. Collenette 1988 Rhododendrons of Sabah Sabah Parks Pub.
  2. Argent, George, Anthony Lamb and Anthea Phillips 2007 The rhododendrons of Sabah Malaysian Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-111-8
  3. Beaman, John H., Reed S. Beaman 1998 The Plants of Mount Kinabalu 3: Gymnosperms and Non-Orchid Monocotyledons Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-026-X
  4. Beaman, John H., Christiane Anderson & Reed S. Beaman 2001 The Plants of Mount Kinabalu 4: Dicotyledon Families Acanthaceae to Lythraceae Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-051-0
  5. Beaman, John H. & Christiane Anderson 2004 The Plants of Mount Kinabalu 5: Dicotyledon Families Magnoliaceae to Winteraceae Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-087-1
  6. Bramley, Gemma L. C., Rusea Go & Rogier P. J. de Kok 2010 LAMIACEAE Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak 7:1-86
  7. Chan, C. L., A. Lamb, P. S. Shim & J. J. Wood. 1994 Orchids of Borneo Vol. 1 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN 967-99947-3-2
  8. Chung, Arthur Y. C., Joan T. Pereira, John B. Sugau, Joseph Tangah, Rebecca F. Y. Chong 2010 Mangroves of Sabah — An Introduction to the Flora and Fauna Sabah Forestry Department ISBN 978-967-0180-00-7
  9. Clarke, Charles 2006 Nepenthes of Borneo Borneo [Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-015-4
  10. Clarke, Charles 2001 A Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sabah Borneo [Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-015-4
  11. Clarke, Charles & Ch’ien C. Lee 2004 A Pocket Guide Pitcher Plants of Sarawak Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-091-X
  12. Dixon, Kingsley W., Shelagh P. Kell, Russell L. Barrett & Philip J. Cribb. 2003 Orchid Conservation Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-078-2
  13. Greenwood, Melinda, Charles Clarke , Ch'ien C. Lee, Ansou Gunsalam, Rohan H. Clarke 2011 A Unique Resource Mutualism between the Giant Bornean Pitcher Plant, Nepenthes rajah, and Members of a Small Mammal Community. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21114.
  14. Hazebroek, Hans P., Tengku Zainal Adlin, Waidi Sinun 2004 Maliau Basin: Sabah's Lost World Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-082-0
  15. Hutton, Wendy 2013 Sepilok Forest: Preserving Sabah's Natural Heritage Sabah Forestry Department ISBN 978-967-0180-04-5
  16. Hutton, Wendy and Cede Prudente 2008 Tabin: Sabah's Greatest Wildlife Sabah Forestry Department ISBN 978-9983-44270-0-9
  17. Kiew, Ruth, Julia Sang, Rimi Repin, Joffre Ali Ahmad 2015 A Guide to begonias of Borneo Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-160-6
  18. Lamb, Anthony, Januarius Gobilik, Marlina Ardiyani & Axel Dalberg Poulsen 2013 A guide to Gingers of Borneo Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-146-0
  19. Lamb, Anthony, Michele Rodda 2016 A Guide to Hoyas of Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-170-5
  20. Lilian S. Gibbs 1914 A Contribution to the flora and plant formations of Mount Kinabalu and the Highlands of British North Borneo The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Botany XLII 285 1-240
  21. Ling, C. Y. and S. Julia 2012 Diversity of the tree flora in Semenggoh Arboretum, Sarawak, Borneo Gardens' Bulletin Singapore] 64 (1): 139–169
  22. Mohizah, M., S Julia and W. K. Soh 2006 A Sarawak gazetteer Forest Research Institute Malaysia
  23. Nais, Jamili 2001 Rafflesia of the World Borneo [Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-042-1
  24. Neo, Louise 2023 The Endemic Plant Genera of Borneo Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN: 9789838122078
  25. Nilus, Reuben, Arthur Y. C. Chung, Joan T. Pereira, John B. Sugau, Suzana Sabran, Cede Prudente and Alviana Damit 2014 The network of protected forests in Telupid Sabah Sabah Forestry Department ISBN 978-9670180-12-0
  26. Phillipps, Anthea, Anthony Lamb, and Ch'ien C. Lee 2008 Pitcher plants of Borneo, ed. 2 [Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-126-2
  27. Poulsen, Axel Dalberg 2006 Etlingera of Borneo Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-117-7
  28. Salleh, Kamarudin Mat 2007 Magnificent Flower of Sabah : Rafflesia Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 983-812-121-5
  29. Soepadmo, E. & K. M. Wong 1995 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 1 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 983-9592-34-3
  30. Soepadmo, E. , K. M. Wong & L. G. Saw 1996 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 2 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 983-9592-56-4
  31. Soepadmo, E. & L. G. Saw 2000 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 3 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 983-2181-06-2
  32. Soepadmo, E., L. G. Saw & R. C. K. Chung 2002 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 4 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 983-2181-27-5
  33. Soepadmo, E., L. G. Saw & R. C. K. Chung 2004 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 5 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 983-2181-59-3
  34. Soepadmo, E., L. G. Saw, R. C. K. Chung & Ruth Kiew 2007 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 6 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 978-983-2181-89-7
  35. Soepadmo, E., L. G. Saw, R. C. K. Chung & Ruth Kiew 2011 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 7 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 978-967-5221-44-6
  36. Soepadmo, E., L. G. Saw, R. C. K. Chung & Ruth Kiew 2014 Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Vol. 8 Forest Research Institute Malaysia ISBN 978-967-0622-11-8
  37. Steiner, Hugo 2002 Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants 1992 to 2002 Toihaan Publishing Company ISBN 983-40421-1-6
  38. Vermeulen, Jaap J. 1991 Orchids of Borneo Vol. 2 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN 0-950-4876-9-4
  39. Wong, K. M. 2016 The Genus Melastoma in Borneo Including 31 New Species Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-171-2
  40. Wong, Khoon Meng , A. A. Joffre, Yee Wen Low,A. K. Muhammad Ariffin 2015 Rainforest Plants and Flowers of Brunei Darussalam Forestry Department, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam, ISBN: 978-99917-31-09-4
  41. Wood, J. J., R. S. Beaman, J. H. Beaman 1993 Plants of Mount Kinabalu Part 2. Orchids Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN 0-947643-46-X
  42. Wood, J. J. 1997 Orchids of Borneo Volume 3 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN 967-99947-5-9
  43. Wood, J. J. 2003 Orchids of Borneo Volume 4 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN 967-99947-7-5
  44. Wood, Jeffrey J. 2013 A Guide to Orchids of Kinabalu Borneo Natural History Publ. (Borneo) ISBN 978-983-812-144-6


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  3. Anwaralikhan, Faisal Ali, Mohamad Faishal Bujang, Mohd. Azmin Kassim, Sheau Yuh Yap, Besar Keto, Wahap Marni, Isa Sait, C. J. Laman, Abang Arabi Abg Aimran, Zaidi Mawek, Abang Abdul Mutalib Abg Tajudin, Haidar Ali and M. T. Abdullah 2008 Biodiversity assesment in a Sarawak lowland dipterocarp rainforest of Niah National Park JOURNAL OF TROPICAL BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 4 (1) : 23 – 37
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  6. Boyce, Peter C., S. Y. Wong, A. P. J. Ting, S. E. Low, S. L. Low, K. K. Ng, l. H. Ooi, 2010 The Araceae of Borneo-The Genera AROIDEANA 33 3-73
  7. Breitfelda, H. Tim, Robert Halla, Thomson Galina and Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadelc 2018 Unravelling the stratigraphy and sedimentation history of the uppermost Cretaceous to Eocene sediments of the Kuching Zone in West Sarawak (Malaysia), Borneo Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 160: 200–223
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  9. Clarke, C., J. A. Moran, C. C. Lee 2011 Nepenthes baramensis (Nepenthaceae) – a new species from north-western Borneo Blumea 56: 229–233
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  12. Davies, Stuart J. and Peter Becker 1996 Floristic composition and stand structure of mixed Dipterocarp and heath forests in Brunei Darussalam Journal of Tropical Forest Science 8 (4): 542-569
  13. De Witte, J. 1996. Nepenthes of Gunung Murud Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 25(2): 41–45
  14. Dzulhelmi, M. N. and M. T. Abdullah 2009 Foraging Ecology of the Sunda Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) in Bako National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia Malayan Nature Journal 61 (4) 285-294
  15. Gobilik, Januarius and Mashitah Mohd Yusoff 2005 Zingiberaceae and Costaceae of the Trus Madi range. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation (JTBC) 1 79-93
  16. Gobilik, Januarius and Simun Limbawang 2010 Notes on species composition and ornamental gingers in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah J. Trop. Bio. and Conservation 7 31-48
  17. Gottschling, Eric 2015 Re-measurement of permanent sample plots and analysis of species-diversity of Semenggoh Arboretum, Kuching, Sarawak Lincoln University, New Zealand and Forest Research Centre
  18. Grytnes, John Arvid and John H. Beaman 2006 Elevational species richness patterns for vascular plants on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo J. Biogeogr. 33 1838–1849
  19. Heng, Roland Kueh Jui, Nixon Girang Mang, Ong Kian Huat, Muaish Sait, Sylvester Sam, George Bala Empin, Thashwini Rajanoran and Cassy Rechie Sinus 2017 Tree diversity at Payeh Maga Montane Forest, Sarawak, Borneo Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 14: 125–150
  20. Ipor, I. B., C. S. Tawan & P. C. Boyce 2004 A new species of Amorphophallus (Araceae : Thomsonieae) from Sarawak, Borneo Gard. Bull. Singapore 56: 153-159
  21. Janzen, Daniel H. 1974 Epiphytic Myrmecophytes in Sarawak: Mutualism through the Feeding of Plants by Ants BIOTROPICA 6(4): 237-259
  22. Jumaat H. Adam and Hafiza A. Hamid 2006 Pitcher plants of Lambir Hill in Miri, Sarawak State of Malaysia International Journal of Botany 2: 340-352.
  23. Jusoh, Ismail, Muhammad Anuar Aziz 2014 Species composition and stand structure of an exploited mangrove forest Kuroshio Science 8 (1) 63-67
  24. Katagiri, Shigeo, Takuo Yamakura and Seng Hua Lee 1991 Properties of Soils in Kerangas Forest on Sandstone at Bako National Park, Sarawak, East Malaysia Southeast Asian Studies 29 (1) 35-48
  25. Kiew, Ruth 1978 Floristic components of the ground flora of a tropical lowland rain forest at Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak Pertanika 1 (2): 112-119
  26. Kulip, J. 2006 Plant diversity in Trus Madi Sepilok Bulletin 4: 1-23
  27. Kulip, Julius, Lam Nyee Fan, Nurhuda Manshoor, Avelinah Julius, Idris Mohd. Said, Johnny Gisil, Julianah A. Joseph and Welly Frederick Tukin 2010 Medicinal plants in Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysia J. TROP. BIO. AND CONSERVATION 6 : 21-33
  28. Latiff, A., Berhaman Ahmad, A. Zainudin Ibrahim, K. Mat-Salleh 2002 An account and preliminary checklist of the Angiosperms and Gymnosperms of Crocker Range, Sabah ASEAN Review of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation 127-141
  29. Lee, H. S., S. J. Davies, J. V. LaFrankie, S. Tan, T. Yamakura, A. Itoh, T. Ohkubo and P. S. Ashton 2002. Floristic and structural diversity of mixed Dipterocarp forest in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14 (3): 379-400
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