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Part I

Barrett, Wilfredo, H. G. & Golfari, Lamberto;Descripcion de Dos Nuevas Variedades del "Pino del Caribe"
Engelmann, George;Revision of the Genus Pinus, and Description Pinus elliottii
Squillace, Anthony E.;Geographic variation in Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.)
Little, Elbert Luther, Dorman, Keith William & Southeastern Forest Experiment Station;Slash pine (Pinus elliottii), including south Florida slash pine : nomenclature and description
Dorman, Keith William & Squillace, Anthony E.;Genetics of slash pine
Mayr, Bot. Centralbl. 15,58: 148-151 1894;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3440844#page/176/mode/1up
Shaw, George Russell;The genus Pinus
Critchfield, William Burke & Little, Elbert Luther;Geographic distribution of the pines of the world;U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service
Catling, Paul M.;Identification and Status of the Introduced Black Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo, in Ontario
Steil, W. N.;Bisporangiate Cones of Pinus montana
Andresen, John W. & Steinhoff, Raphael J.;The taxonomy of pinus flexilis and P. strobiformus
Fujii, Kenjiro 1895 Physiological Researches on the Sexuality of the Flowers of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.
Silba, John;A supplement to the international census of the Coniferae, II

Part II

Part III

  1. Averyanov, L. V., Tien Hiep Nguyen, Khang Sinh Nguyen, The Van Pham, Vichith Lamxay, Shengvilai Lorphengsy, S. Lorphengsy, Loc Ke Phan, Soulivanh Lanorsavanh and Khamfa Chanthavongsa 2014 Gymnosperms of Laos Journal of Botany 32(6):765–805
  2. Averyanov, L. V., K. S. Nguyen, T. H. Nguyen, T. S. Nguyen, T. V. Maisak 2017 Conservation assessment of Pinus cernua (Pinaceae) Turczaninowia 20 (4): 159–184
  1. Businský, Roman 2003 A new hard Pine (Pinus, Pinaceae) from Taiwan NOVON 13(3) 281-288
  2. Businský, Roman 2004 A revision of the Asian Pinus subsection Strobus (Pinaceae) Willdenowia 34(1):209-257
  1. Duy, Vũ Đình, Bùi Thị Tuyết Xuân, Đỗ Thị Phương Thảo, Phan Kế Lộc and Nguyễn Minh Tâm 2016 Study of genetic diversity and molecular variation in natural populations of Pinus armandii subsp. Xuannhaensis L.K. Phan - an endemic species in Son La, Vietnam using ISSR markers Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology 14(3): 441–450
  1. Flores-Rentería, Lluvia, Alejandra Vázquez-Lobo, Amy V. Whipple, Daniel Piñero, Judith Márquez-Guzmán, C. A. Domínguez 2011 Functional bisporangiate cones in Pinus johannis (Pinaceae): Implications for the evolution of bisexuality in seed plants American Journal of Botany 98(1): 130–139
  2. Flores-Rentería, Lluvia, Francisco Molina-Freaner, Amy V. Whipple, Catherine A. Gehring, C. A. Domínguez 2013 Sexual stability in the nearly dioecious Pinus johannis (Pinaceae) Amer. J. Bot. 100: 602-612
  1. Gernandt, David S., Gretel Geada López, Sol Ortiz García and Aaron Liston 2005 Phylogeny and Classification of Pinus Taxon 54(1):29-42
  1. Hung, Kuo-Hsiang, Chi-Yung Lin, Chi-Chun Huang, Chi-Chuan Hwang, Tsai-Wen Hsu, Yau-Lun Kuo, Wei-Kuang Wang, Cheng-Yu Hung & Tzen-Yuh Chiang 2012 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Pinus massoniana (Pinaceae) Botanical Studies 53: 191-196
  1. Huy, Bao, Le Canh Nam, Krishna P. Poudel and Hailemariam Temesgen 2021 Individual tree diameter growth modeling system for Dalat pine (Pinus dalatensis Ferré) of the upland mixed tropical forests Forest Ecology and Management 480: 118612
  1. Imanuddin, Rinaldi, Asep Hidayat, Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat, Maman Turjaman, Pratiwi, Fitri Nurfatriani, Yonky Indrajaya and Arida Susilowati 2020 Reforestation and Sustainable Management of Pinus merkusii Forest Plantation in Indonesia: A Review Forests 11: 1235
  1. Jantan, Ibrahim and Abu Said Ahmad 1999 Oleoresins of Three Pinus Species from Malaysian Pine Plantations ASEAN Review of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation (ARBEC)
  2. Jantan, Ibrahim, Abu Said Ahmad and Abdul Rashih Ahmad 2002 A Comparative Study of the Oleoresins of Three Pinus Species from Malaysian Pine Plantations Journal of Essential Oil Research 14: ;https://doi.org/10.1080/10412905.2002.9699872
  1. Kwon, Soon-Ho, Yang-Gil Kim, Hye-In Kang, Donghwan Shim, Kyu-Suk Kang 2021 Morphology of strobili at different development positions and cone and seed characteristics of Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis Dendeobiology 85: 51-59
  1. Lê Hồng, Phúc 1996 Đánh giá sinh trưởng, tăng trưởng, sinh khối năng suất rừng trồng Thông ba lá (Pinus kesya royle ex Gordon) vùng Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp
  1. Li, De-Zhu 1997 A reassessment of Pinus Subgen. Pinus in China Edinburgh J. Bot. 54:337-349
  1. Luchi, Agnes E., Silva, Luiz C. Pereira & Moraes, Marcelo A. 2005 Anatomia comparada do lenho de Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. em áreas de cerrado e de plantação de Pinus elliottii Engelm Braz. J. Bot. 28 (4)
  1. Mai Thi Phuong Thuy, Tran Thi Thu Ha and Tran Ho Quang 2020 Analysis of genetic diversity in Pa Co pine (Pinus kwangtungensis Chun ex Tsiang) using RAPD and ISSR markers Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering 62(1): 62-68
  1. Mandal, G. D. 2020 Life history of Pinus sp. Syllabus: BOT-A-CC-2-4-TH, Gymnosperm
  1. Ng, F.S.P. 1977 A needle cast of Pinus caribaea [pines] in Peninsular Malaysia Malaysian Forester (Malaysia) 40(4): 203-206
  1. Nguyen Minh Tam, Phan Tấn Lộc and Vu Duy 2015 Genetic diversity in Xuan nha pine (Pinus armandii subsp. xuannhaensis L.K. Phan) Research Journal of Biotechnology 10(3): 30-36

  1. Sa, NGUYỄN HOÀNG 2017 Nghiên cứu thành phần hóa học và hoạt tính sinh học của các loài lá kim: Pinus dalatensis, pinus kesiya và podocarpus neriifolius ở Việt Nam LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ HÓA HỌC
  1. Sato, Takashi 2001 Geographic Variation of Pinus parviflora Needle Characteristics J. Jpn. Bot. 76: 263-274
  1. Shihui Niu, Huwei Yuan, Xinrui Sun, Ilga Porth, Yue Li, Yousry A. El-Kassaby, Wei Li 2015 A transcriptomics investigation into pine reproductive organ development New Phytologist 209,3: 1278-1289
  1. Xiao, Feng, Yang, Xue-mei, Zhao, Yang, Fan, Fu-hua 2018 Transcriptome analysis of Pinus massoniana Lamb. microstrobili during sexual reversal De Gruyter 13: 97-106
  1. Xu, Qingqing, Wenjun Zhou, Tatiana M. Kodrul, Serge V. Naugolnykh and Jianhua Jin 2015 Late Eocene white pines (Pinus subgenus Strobus) from southern China Scientific Reports 5: 16390
  1. Yahya, Ahmad Zuhaidi and Rosdi Koter 2000 Pinus insularis: A promising exotic conifer for commercial plantations? Journal of Tropical Forest Science 12: 410-413
  1. Zhao, Yang, Ting-qiao Chen, Xiu-rong Wang and Xue-mei Yang 2018. Initiation and development of sex reversal and ovule abortion process of Pinus massoniana polycone strobilus. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 20: 382‒386
  1. 李义良,黄梓培,赵奋成,郭文冰,吴惠姗,廖仿炎 2018 加勒比松种源苗期DNA甲基化多样性分析 热带亚热带植物学报 26: 224-232
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  1. Renkema, H. W. & Ardagh, John 1930 Aylmer Bourke Lambert and his 'Description of the Genus Pinus' Journal of the Linnean Society of London – Botany 48: 439–466.
  1. Lộc, Phan Tấn, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Khang Sinh Nguyen and L.V. Averyanov 2008 TÍNH ĐA DẠNG CỦA HỆTHỰC VẬT VIỆT NAM 30.PINUS TABULIFORMIS Carrière aff. var. HENRYI (Mast.) C.T. KuanTHÔNG HAI LÁ QUẢ NHỎ,LOÀI VÀ THỨBỔSUNG CHO HỆTHỰC VẬT J. Genetics and Applications Se1-4: 44-48