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菫菜科 Violaceae


菫菜屬 Viola

Frédéric Charles Jean Gingins de la Sarraz;Mémoire sur la famille des Violacées

二裂花柱亞屬 Viola subg. Dischidium

短距堇菜組 Viola Sect. Brevicalcaratae

雙黃花菫菜 Viola biflora

Viola tayemonii Hayata → Viola biflora L.
Viola kanoi Sasaki → Viola biflora L.

美麗堇菜亞屬 Viola subg. Melanium

野生堇菜 Viola arvensis

堇菜亞屬 Viola subg. Viola

  • Viola Sect. Nomimium Ging.;Ging., Mom. sur la Fam. Viol. 11. 1823
  • Viola Sect. Nomimium Ging.;Ging., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 1: 291. 1824;
  • Viola Sect. Nomimium Ging.;W. Beck. in Engler et Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 2, 21: 365. 1925;
  • Viola Sect. Nomimium Ging.;Chang in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 1 (3): 239. 1949, nom. tant.;

匍匐堇菜组 Sect. Serpentes

喜岩菫菜 Viola adenothrix

喜岩菫菜 Viola adenothrix Hayata → 柔毛菫菜 Viola fargesii H. Boissieu

Viola brachycentra Hayata → Viola fargesii H. Boissieu
Viola thrichopoda Hayata
Viola trichopoda Hayata → Viola fargesii H. Boissieu
Viola taiwanensis W. Becker → 台灣菫菜 Viola formosana Hayata
Viola kasanensis auct. non Hayata
Viola royleana auct. non Wallich
Viola rupicola auct. non Elmer → unresolved
Viola effusa W. Becker → unresolved
Viola matsudai Hayata
Viola matsudae Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y.S. Chen & Q.E.Yang

雪山菫菜 Viola adenothrix var. tsugitakaensis

雪山菫菜 Viola adenothrix Hayata var. tsugitakaensis (Masam.) Wang & Huang  →  柔毛菫菜 Viola fargesii H. Boissieu

Viola tsugitakaensis Masam. → 柔毛菫菜 Viola fargesii H. Boissieu

廣東菫菜 Viola kwangtungensis

  • Viola kwangtungensis Melch.;Sunyatsenia 1(203): 124–126, pl. 31 1933./ Melch., Sunyatsenia : Journal of the Botanical Institute, College of Agriculture, Sun Yatsen University, Canton, China 1: 124. 1933. (Sunyatsenia, 國立中山大學農林植物硏究所季刊)

合生托葉組 Viola Sect. Adnatae


箭葉菫菜 Viola betonicifolia

箭葉菫菜 Viola betonicifolia Sm.

Viola caespitosa D. Don → Viola betonicifolia Sm.
Viola oblongosagittata Nakai var. violascens Nakai → Viola betonicifolia Sm.
Viola oblongosagittata Nakai → 長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume
Viola patrinii auct. non DC.
Viola patrinii DC. var. chinesis auct. non Ging → Viola philippica Cav.

短毛菫菜 Viola confusa

短毛菫菜 Viola confusa Champ. ex Benth.  →  長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume

Viola japonica auct. non Langsdorf
Viola stenocentra Hayata ex Nakai → 琉球菫菜 Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
Viola pseudojaponica Nakai → 琉球菫菜 Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
Viola yedoensis Makino var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Hashim. ex E. Hama → 琉球菫菜 Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
Viola philippica auct. non Cav.

小菫菜 Viola inconspicua subsp. nagasakiensis

小菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume subsp. nagasakiensis (W. Becker) Wang & Huang → ???

Viola confusa subsp. nagasakiensis (W. Becker) F. Maek. & Hashim. → 長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume
Viola mandshurica subsp. nagasakiensis W. Becker → 長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume
Viola minor (Makino) Makino → 長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume
Viola patrinii DC. var. minor Makino → 長萼菫菜 Viola inconspicua Blume
Viola taiwaniana Nakai → 琉球菫菜 Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen

紫花地丁 Viola mandshurica

Viola oblongo-sagittata Nakai var. violascens Nakai f. ishizakii Yamamoto → ???
Viola oblongosagittata Nakai var. violascens Nakai → Viola betonicifolia Sm.
Viola oblongosagittata Nakai f. ishizakii Yamam. → Viola mandshurica W. Becker
Viola mandshurica W. Becker var. ciliata Nakai → Viola mandshurica W. Becker
Viola mandshurica W. Becker var. glabra Nakai → Viola mandshurica W. Becker

琉球菫菜 Viola philippica var. pseudojaponica

Viola longistipulata Hayata → Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
南投菫菜 Viola nantouensis S. S. Ying → Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
Viola pseudojaponica Nakai
Viola stenocentra Hayata ex Nakai
Viola taiwaniana Nakai
Viola yedoensis var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Hashim. ex E. Hama

雙緣柱頭堇菜組 Viola Sect. Bilobatae


如意草 Viola arcuata

Viola verecunda auct. non A. Gray
Viola arcuata Bl. var. verecunda (A. Gray) Nakai → Viola arcuata Blume
Viola arcuata Bl. var. verecunda (A. Gray) Nakai f. rasicans (Makino) Nakai → ???
Viola arcuata f. radicans (Makino) Nakai → Viola arcuata Blume
Viola verecunda A. Gray f. hensoaensis Kudo & Sasaki → Viola arcuata Blume
Viola verecunda A. Gray f. radicans Makino → Viola arcuata Blume

蔓莖堇菜組 Viola Sect. Diffusae


茶匙黃 Viola diffusa

Viola diffusa Ging. var. glabella Boiss
Viola diffusa var. glabella H. Boissieu → Viola diffusa Ging.

台北菫菜 Viola nagasawae

Viola nagasawai C. F. Hsieh → Unresolved

Viola acutilabella Hayata → Viola nagasawae Makino & Hayata
Viola nagasawai Makino & Hayata var. acutilabella (Hayata) Nakai → unresolved name
Viola nagasawai C. F. Hsieh var. acutilabella (Hayata) Nakai → Viola nagasawae Makino & Hayata
台灣植物誌採用Viola nagasawai Makino & Hayata var. nagasawaiThe Plant List 接受的學名是Viola nagasawae Makino & Hayata。

普萊氏菫菜 Viola nagasawai var. pricei

Viola pricei W. Becker → Viola nagasawai C. F. Hsieh var. pricei (W. Becker) Wang & Huang → Unresolved
Viola nagasawai auct. non Makino & Hayata

心葉茶匙黃 Viola tenuis

心葉茶匙黃 Viola tenuis Benth. → 茶匙黃 Viola diffusa Ging.

Viola diffusa subsp. tenuis (Benth.) W. Becker → 茶匙黃 Viola diffusa Ging.

Viola Sect. Formosanae

台灣菫菜 Viola formosana

Viola tozanensis Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata
Viola kawakamii Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola logistipulata Hayata
Viola longistipulata Hayata → Viola philippica Cav. var. pseudojaponica (Nakai) Y. S. Chen
Viola hypoleuca Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola kawakamii Hayata var. stenopetala Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola arisanensis W. Becker → unresolved
Viola takasagoensis Koidz. → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola formosana Hayata var. tozanensis (Hayata) Hsieh
Viola formosana Hayata var. tozanensis (Hayata) C. F. Hsieh → Viola formosana Hayata

川上氏菫菜 Viola formosana var. kawakamii

川上氏菫菜 Viola formosana Hayata var. stenopetala (Hayata) Wang, Huang & Hashim.

Viola formosana var. stenopetala (Hayata) J. C. Wang, T. C. Huang & T. Hashim. → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola kawakamii Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola kawakamii Hayata var. stenopetala Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola hypoleuca Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola matsudai Hayata
Viola matsudae Hayata → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola takasagoensis Koidz. → Viola formosana Hayata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Y. S. Chen & Q. E. Yang
Viola formosana auct. non Hayata:

斜柱頭堇菜組 Viola Sect. Plagiostigma


尖山菫菜 Viola senzanensis

鳥嘴柱頭組 Viola Sect. Trigonocarpae


雞腿菫菜 Viola acuminata

新竹菫菜 Viola kosanensis

新竹菫菜 Viola shinchikuensis Yamamoto

Viola shinchikuensis Yamam. → Viola kosanensis Hayata
Viola nagamiana Hashimoto
Viola nagamiana T. Hashim. → Viola kosanensis Hayata
  • Viola Sect. Trigonocarpae
  1. Hashimoto, Tamotsu 1987 Trigonocarpae Violets of Taiwan Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden 6 1-7

紫花菫菜 Viola grypoceras

Viola acuminata Ledcbour → Viola acuminata Ledeb.

翠峰菫菜 Viola obtusa var. tsuifengensis

须毛柱头堇菜亚属 Subgen. Chamaemelanium

Violaceae Reference

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  2. Ballard, H. E., J. De Paula-Sousz and G. A. Wahlert 2014 Violaceae Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 303-322
  3. Becker, Wilhelm 1928 New Chinese Species of Viola Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 6: 247-252
  4. Chatterjee, Amiyangshu and Arun Kumar Sharma 1972 Cytological studies on Indian representatives of the genus Viola Journal of Genetics 61 (01): 52–63
  5. Chen, You-Sheng and Qin-Er Yang 2008 A new species of Viola (Violaceae) from southern China Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158 (4):755-761
  6. Chen, You-Sheng and Qin-Er Yang 2009 Two new stoloniferous species of Viola (Violaceae) from China Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159 (2):349-356
  7. Dani, Ram S and Krishna K Shrestha 2004 Two new records of Viola L. (Violaceae) for Nepal Him J Sci 2 (3): 48-50
  8. Espeut, Marc 2020 Revision of the genus Viola L. (Violaceae) in the Russian Far East with notes on adjacent territories Botanica Pacifica 9 (1): 3–52
  9. Fernando, Edwino S., Marilyon O. Quimado, Augustine I. Doronila 2014 Rinorea niccolifera (Violaceae), a new, nickel-hyperaccumulating species from Luzon Island, Philippines PhytoKeys 37: 1–13
  10. Freitas leandro and Marlies Sazima 2003 Floral Biology and Pollination Mechanisms in Two Viola Species—From Nectar to Pollen Flowers? Ann Bot 91(3): 311-317
  11. Hama, Eisuke and Cunio Nackejima 1976 Notes on the violets of Japan J. Jap. Bot 55 (11): 339-344
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  13. Hekking, W. H. A. (1988). Violaceae. Part I: Rinorea and Rinoreocarpus. New York: Published for the Organization for Flora Neotropica by the New York Botanical Garden
  14. Huang, Su-Hua 2003 New Species of Viola from Yunnan Acta Botanica Yunnanica 25(4) 431-434
  15. Jacobs, M. and D. M. Moore 1971 Violaceae Flora Malesiana ser. I vol. 7
  16. Lin, Hsin-Tzu 1950 Notes on the Genus Viola in Taiwan Taiwania 1: 269-283
  17. Lu, Chang-Tse, Yu-Long Hung, Chih-Hsiung Chen 2019 Viola kwangtungensis Melch. (Violaceae): a new record Viola in Taiwan Taiwan J For Sci 34 (2):135-42
  18. Makino, T. 1912 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p. 122) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 26 (305) 144-158
  19. Makino, T. 1912 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p. 158.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 26 (306) 172-184
  20. Makino, T. 1913 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p. 127.) Bot. Mag (Tokyo) 27 (319): 150-154
  21. Marcussen, Thomas, Kjetill S. Jakobsen, Jiří Danihelka, Harvey E. Ballard, Kim Blaxland, Anne K. Brysting and Bengt Oxelman 2012 Inferring Species Networks from Gene Trees in High-Polyploid North American and Hawaiian Violets (Viola, Violaceae) Syst. Biol. 61 (1):107–126
  22. Masood, Maria, Muhammad Arshad, Saira Asif and Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari 2014 Viola canescens: Herbal Wealth to Be Conserved Journal of Botany 6 P.
  23. Nakai, T. 1928 Violæ ad Floram Japonicam Novæ Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42 556-566
  24. Nakamura, Koh, Tetsuo Denda, Goro Kokubugata, Chiun-Jr Huang, Ching-I Peng and Masatsugu Yokota 2015 Phylogeny and biogeography of the Viola iwagawae-tashiroi species complex (Violaceae, section Plagiostigma) endemic to the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 337–351
  25. Ning, Zu-Lin, Zhen-Xin Zeng, Ling Chen, Bing-Qiang Xu and Jing-Ping Liao 2012 Viola jinggangshanensis (Violaceae), a new species from Jiangxi, China Annales Botanici Fennici 49 (5/6) 383-386
  26. Peng, Ching-I and Yueh-Fong Chen 1985 Hybanthus Jacq. (Violaceae), a New Generic Record for the Flora of Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 26 (2) 213-220
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  31. Zhou, Jin-Song and Fu-Wu Xing 2007 Viola changii sp. nov. (Violaceae) from Guangdong, southern China Nordic Journal of Botany 25: 303-305

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