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Anacardiaceae Reference

  1. Corner, E. J. H. 1939 Notes on the systematy and distribution of Malayan phanerogams III. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlements 10: 239–329
  2. Hsu Tsai-Wen, Mong-Huai Su 2013. A taxonomic revision of Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae) in Taiwan Taiwan J For Sci 28(3) :145-51.
  3. Nie, Ze-Long, Hang Sun, Ying Meng, Jun Wen 2009 Phylogenetic analysis of Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47(5): 416-430
  4. Wannan, B. S. 2006 Analysis of Generic Relationships in Anacardiaceae Blumea 51 165-195

  1. 潘跃芝、龚洵、杨杨 2008 九子母属的系统位置:来自叶绿体rbcL 序列及核核糖体ITS 序列的证据 植物分类学报 46(4) 586-594
  2. 村田源 1985 植物分類雑記18 植物分類,地理 36 (4-6): 173-182