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Nymphaeaceae Reference

  1. Chen, Iju, Steven R. Manchester and Zhiduan Chen 2004 Anatomically preserved seeds of Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) from the Early Eocene of Wutu, Shandong Province, China Am. J. Bot. 91(8): 1265-1272
  2. Makino, T. 1910 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p.130.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 (282): 137-147
  3. Padgett, D. J. 2003 Phenetic studies in Nuphar Sm. (Nymphaeaceae): variation in sect. Nuphar Plant Syst. Evol. 239: 187–197
  4. Padgett, Donald J. 2007 A monograph of Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) Rhodora 109(937):1-95
  5. Shiga, Takashi, Jun Ishii, Yuji Isagi, and Yasuro Kadono. 2006 Nuphar submersa (Nymphaeaceae), a new species from Central Japan Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 57(2): 113-122

  1. 索志立 2006 睡莲科系统位置评述 武汉植物学研究 24(2):173-182
  2. 倪学明,於炳,周远捷,赵家荣 1994 睡莲科的属间关系研究 [武汉植物学研究] 12(4): 311-320
  3. 刘艳玲,徐立铭,倪学明,赵家荣 2005 睡莲科的系统发育:核糖体DNA ITS区序列证据 植物分类学报 43(1) 22-30