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Oleaceae Reference

  1. Chalermglin, P. and R. Kiew 2013 A new species of Jasminum (Oleaceae) from Thailand Blumea 58: 80–81
  2. Chen, Jin-Yong, Zuo-Shuang Zhang and De-Yuan Hong 2008 Taxonomic revision of Syringa pinetorum complex (Oleaceae) Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46 (1): 93–95
  3. Guo, Shi-Quan, Min Xiong, Chun-Feng Ji, Zhi-Rong Zhang, De-Zhu Li, Zhi-Yong Zhang 2011 Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of Osmanthus Lour. (Oleaceae) and related genera based on three chloroplast intergenic spacers Plant Syst Evol 294: 57–64
  4. Hatusima, Sumihiko 1949 New and noteworthy plants from southern Japan and the adjacent districts J. Jap. Bot. 24:81-87
  5. Heuertz, M, S. Carnevale, S. Fineschi, F. Sebastiani, J. F. Hausman, L. Paule and G. G. Vendramin 2006 Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of European ashes, Fraxinus sp. (Oleaceae): roles of hybridization and life history traits Molecular Ecology 15(8): 2131–2140
  6. Kiew, Ruth 1978 Florae Malesianae Praecursores LVII. The Oleaceae of Malesia. I. The genus Ligustrum Blumea 24 (1): 143–149
  7. Kiew, Ruth, F. L. S. and Che Su Ibrahim 1982 Comparative study of leaf anatomy of Malaysian species of Chionanthus and Olea (Oleaceae) with special reference to foliar sclereids Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 84(2):79-102
  8. Kiew, Ruth 2017 Two New Species of Jasminum (Oleaceae) from Peninsular Thailand THAI FOREST BULL., BOT. 45 (1): 1–5
  9. Kiew, R. 2018 One new species and two new records of Jasminum (Oleaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 70 (1): 109–118
  10. Kiew, Ruth and Joanne Tan 2020 A revision of Jasminum (Oleaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, with conservation assessements Edinburgh Journal of Botany
  11. Koidzumi, Geniti 1916 Decades Plantarum Novarum vel minus Cognitarum Bot. Mag. Tokyo 30 (350): 77-82
  12. Koidzumi, Geniti 1925 Contributiones ad Cognitionem Florae Asiae Orientalis, XII. (continued from vol. XXXVIII. p. 113.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39 (457): 1-30
  13. Matsumura, J. 1898 Oleaceae Formosanae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 12 (134): 29-30
  14. Wallander, Eva 2008 Systematics of Fraxinus (Oleaceae) and evolution of dioecy Plant Syst Evol 273:25–49

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  2. 李梅,侯喜林,郝日明 2009 基于SRAP 分子标记的桂花遗传多样性研究 园艺学报 36(11)
  3. 李瑾、董美芳、尚富德 2007 丹桂籽银桂花芽分化的研究 植物学通报 24(5): 620-623
  4. 季春峰,向其柏 2007 木犀属新资料(Ⅱ) 武汉植物学研究 25(3):245-246
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  7. 尚富德,伊艳杰,胡楠,向其柏 2002 木犀属 (桂花属) (Osmanthus) 种质资源和系统分类研究 河南大学学报(自然科学版) 32 (3):47-50
  8. 洪亚平、代子闻、陈之端、李富才 2004 木犀科梣属(Fraxinus)三心皮子房的确证及其系统学意义 河南林业科技 24(1) 42-43,50
  9. 呂勝由、楊遠波 1988 臺灣女貞屬植物之系統分類 林業試驗所研究報告季刊 3(2) 121-130
  10. 森邦彥 1939 臺湾産もくせい属ノ検討/Osmanthus of Taiwan 植物研究雜誌 15 (9): 542-561
  11. 贾良智 1952 中国素馨属植物 植物分类学报 (1): 20-64.
  12. 许炳强、郝刚、胡晓颖 2005 中国木犀属花粉形态研究及其系统学意义 热带亚热带植物学报 13(1) 29-39
  13. 许炳强、夏念和、王少平、郝刚 2007 中国木犀属植物叶表皮形态 武汉植物学研究 25(1) 1-10
  14. 秦祥堃 2009 女贞属的新系统 云南植物研究 31(2): 97-116
  15. 清水建美,高木村 1962 台湾産イボタノキ属Ligustrumの分類について 植物分類,地理 20 (1): 65-70
  16. 彭国全,季梦成 2004 中国木犀属 (桂花属 Osmanthus) 植物的研究概况和开发利用 江西科学 22 (3):221-226
  17. 韩远记,董美芳,袁王俊,尚富德 2008 桂花品种资源的遗传多样性分析 植物学通报 25(5): 559-564
  18. 缪柏茂 1984 中国素馨属的修订 植物研究 4 (1): 88-111