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Poaceae Reference

  1. Aliscioni, Sandra S., Liliana M. Giussani, Fernando O. Zuloaga and Elizabeth A. Kellogg 2003 A molecular phylogeny of Panicum (Poaceae: Paniceae): tests of monophyly and phylogenetic placement within the Panicoideae Am J Bot. 90(5):796-821
  2. Chang, Ing-Feng 2008 Ecotypic variation of a medicinal plant Imperata cylindrica populations in Taiwan: mass spectrometry-based proteomic evidence Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2(4): 071-076
  3. Chen, Chien-Ming, Yuan-San Ho, Jen-Jye Peng and Tzy-Chau Lin 2002 Four species of boletes newly recorded to Taiwan Endemic Species Research 4(2): 51-58
  4. Chen, Chih-Hui and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2000 The Genus Poa L. (Poaceae) in Taiwan: a Delta Database for Generating Key and Descriptions. Taiwania 45(2) 147-157
  5. Chen, Chih-Hui and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2000 The Genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) in Taiwan: a DELTA database for generating key and descriptions Taiwania 45(4) 311-322
  6. Chen, Chih-Hui and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2004 Cenchrus ciliaris L., A Newly Naturalized Grass in Taiwan Taiwania 49(4): 232-236
  7. Chen, Chih-Hui and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2006 Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Moss ex Stapf & Hubb., a Grass Newly Naturalized to Taiwan Endemic Species Research 8(1): 83-86
  8. Chen, Chih-Hui, Che-Yu Lin & Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2011 Grass Flora of Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, Chichi, Taiwan 1-189
  9. Chen, S.-H. and M.-J. Wu. 2005. Notes on three newly naturalized plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 50: 29-39. / Chloris divaricata var. cynodontoidesBoerhavia coccinea and Hyptis pectinata
  10. Cheng, Kur-Ta and Chang Hung Chou 1997 Specific Rapd Markers of Imperata cylindrica Populations in Taiwan J. Genet. Mol. Bio 8(3), 41-53
  11. Chou, Chang-Hung and Chi-Chu Tsai 1999 Genetic variation in the intergenic spacer of ribosomal DNA of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. var. major (Cogongrass) populations in Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 40(4) 319-327
  12. Febulaus, G. N. V. and T. Pullaiah 1991 Embryology of Chloris roxburghiana Schult. (Poaceae) Taiwania 36(4): 303-310
  13. Fosberg, F. Raymond and Sachet, Marie-Hélène 1982 Micronesian Poaceae: Critical and Distributional Notes Micronescia 18 (2): 45– 102
  14. Hilu, Khidir W. 2007 A century of progress in grass systematics KEW BULLETIN 62: 355–373
  15. Hsu, Chien-Chang 1963 The Paniceae (Gramineae) of Formosa Taiwania 9: 33-57
  16. Hsu, Chien-Chang 1971 A Guide to the Taiwan Grasses, with Keys to Subfamilies, Tribes, Genera and Species Taiwania 16: 199-341
  17. Hsu, Chien-Chang 1973 Some Noteworthy Plants Found in Taiwan Taiwania 18(1) 62-72 / Gomphrena celosioidesCoronopus didymusCuphea carthagenensisPlumbago zeylanicaBorreria latifoliaBorreria laevisAmbrosia elatiorGaillardia pulchellaGalinsoga parvifloraSenecio vulgarisSolidago altissimaNajas marinaNajas minorNajas indicaPanicum dichotomiflorumPaspalum virgatum
  18. Huang, Chun-Lin 2005 Urochloa glumaris (Trin.) Veldkamp (Gramineae), a Neglected Species in the Flora of Taiwan Collection and Research 18: 33-36
  19. Jung, M.-J., S.-Z. Yang and C.-S. Kuoh. 2005. Notes on two newly naturalized plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 50(3): 191-199 / Senecio inaequidens and Sporobolus tenuissimus
  20. Jung, M.-J., T.-S. Wu and C.-S. Kuoh. 2006. Notes on newly recorded grasses in Taiwan. Taiwania 51(1): 25-31 / Agrostis avenaceaAgrostis stoloniferaAlopecurus pratensisDeschampsia atropurpurea
  21. Jung, M.-J., G.-I. Liao and C.-S. Kuoh. 2006. Notes on alien Bromus grasses in Taiwan. Taiwania 51: 131-138.
  22. Jung, M.-J., R.-J. Soreng and C.-S. Kuoh. 2006. Notes on grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of Taiwan (II). Taiwania 51: 240-248.
  23. Jung, Ming-Jer, Gwo-Ing Liao and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2006. Notes on Four Alien Plants in Taiwan Taiwania, 51(4): 308-316 / Arthraxon lancifoliusLamium hybridumMatricaria matricarioides and Thlaspi arvense
  24. Jung, Ming-Jer and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2007 Chikusichloa Koidz. (Poaceae): A Newly Recorded Genus in the Flora of Taiwan Taiwania 52(3): 243-246
  25. Jung, M.-J., J. F. Veldkamp and C.-S. Kuoh. 2008. Notes on Eragrostis Wolf (Poaceae) for the flora of Taiwan. Taiwania 53: 96-102.
  26. Jung, M.-J., C.-W. Chen, S.-W. Chung and C.-S. Kuoh. 2009. Supplements to the grasses (Poaceae) in Taiwan (I). Taiwania 54: 69-75.
  27. Jung, Ming-Jer, Chien-Wen Chen, Shih-Wen Chung 2009 Chloris divaricata (Poaceae) and Its Variety C. divaricata cynodontoides in Taiwan. Taiwan J For Sci 24(3) 205-211
  28. Jung, Ming-Jer, Chien-Wen Chen and Shih-Wen Chung 2010 Two Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 55(4): 412-416 / Hypochaeris chillensis and Microstegium fasciculatum
  29. Jung, Ming-Jer, Min-Kuan Chu, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Rui-Chin Kao and Sheng-Sian Dai 2012 Four newly naturalized grasses and rushes in Taiwan Taiwania 57 (4): 426-433 / Juncus imbricatusJuncus marginatusSetaria barbataSorghum bicolor subsp. arundinaceum
  30. Jung, Ming-Jer and Chien-Wen Chen 2013 Elymus L. (Poaceae) in Taiwan and Related Species in Neighbor Areas Taiwania 58 (1) :53-60
  31. Jung Ming-Jer and Chien-Hsun Cheng 2016 Tragus berteronianus Schultes (Poaceae), a newly naturalized grass in Taiwan Taiwan J. For. Sci. 31 (4):331-335.
  32. Kao, Ping, Ting-Ying Wu, Chia-Lun Chang, Chang-Hung Chou and Ing-Feng Chang 2011 Decreasing of Population Size of Imperata cylindrica Mangrove Ecotype and Sea-Level Rising Global Warming Impacts - Case Studies on the Economy, Human Health, and on Urban and Natural Environments
  33. Kellogg, Elizabeth A., J. Richard Abbott, Kamaljit S. Bawa, Kanchi N. Gandhi, B. R. Kailash, K. N. Ganeshaiah, Uttam Babu Shrestha, Peter Raven 2020 Checklist of the grasses of India Phytokeys163: 1-560
  34. Kirkbride, J. H. Jr., Wiersema, J. H. 2007. Proposal to reject the name Arundo vallatoria (Poaceae). Taxon. 56(1):258.
  35. Kuo, Chen-Meng 1979 Three newly recorded naturalized plants of Taiwan--Mollugo verticillata, Festuca elatior and Bromus rigidus. Taiwania 24(1) 22-26
  36. Kuoh, Chang-Sheng, Gwo-Ing Liao and Chi-Chih Wu 1998 Paspalidium Stapf (Poaceae) in Taiwan Taiwania 43(1) 64-71
  37. Kuoh, Chang-Sheng, Gow-Ing Liao and Ming-Yih Chen 1999 Two new naturalized grasses in Taiwan Taiwania 44(4): 514-519
  38. Kuoh, Chang-Sheng and Chih-Hui Chen 2000 New Naturalized Grasses in Taiwan Taiwania 45(4) 328-333 / Holcus lanatusPhalaris canariensis and Festuca arundinacea
  39. Kuoh, Chang-Sheng 2003 Agrostis dimorpholemma (Gramineae), a New Record from Southern Taiwan and It’s Morphological Variation. Taiwania 48(2) 94-98
  40. Kuoh, Chang-Sheng and Hong Song 2005 Interactive Key to Taiwan Grasses Using Characters of Leaf Anatomy – The ActKey Approach [Taiwania 50(4): 261-271
  41. Lin, Che-Yu, Sheng-Zehn Yang, Jan Frits Veldkamp and Chih-Hui Chen 2012 Microstegium brandisii (Hook. f.) Rhind , a Newly Recorded Grass (Poaceae) to Taiwan. TW J. of Biodivers. 14 (1-2): 57-62
  42. Lin, Che-Yu, Sheng-Zehn Yang and Chih-Hui Chen 2013 Polytrias indica (Houtt.) Veldkamp, a Newly Naturalized Grass in Taiwan TW J. of Biodivers. 15 (1): 77-81
  43. Lin, Che-Yu and Chih-Hui Chen 2014 Confirmation of a naturalized grass (Poaceae) in Taiwan, Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. TW J. of Biodivers. 16(4):393-398
  44. Liu, Qing, Paul M. Peterson, J. Travis Columbus, Nanxian Zhao, Gang Hao and Dianxiang Zhang 2007 Inflorescence diversification in the "finger millet clade" (Chloridoideae, Poaceae): a comparison of molecular phylogeny and developmental morphology American Journal of Botany 94:1230-1247
  45. Mathews, Sarah, Rocky C. Tsai and Elizabeth A. Kellogg 2000 Phylogenetic structure in the grass family (Poaceae): evidence from the nuclear gene phytochrome B Am J Bot. 87(1):96-107
  46. Ohwi, Jjsaburo 1936 Plantæ Novæ Japonicæ (III) J. Jap. Bot. 12 (9): 652-655
  47. Ohwi, Jisaburo 1971 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia V. Gramineae and Cyperaceae of Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (The Southeast Asian Studies) 9 (2): 194-219
  48. Scholz, H., C.-W. Chen and M.-J. Jung. 2009. Supplements to the grasses (Poaceae) in Taiwan (II). Taiwania 54: 168-174 / Bromus commutatusBromus secalinusIschaemum timorenseSpartina alterniflora
  49. Turner, I. M., D. J. Middleton, H. Duistermaat and J. F. Veldkamp 2019 Flora of Singapore precursors, 6: Typification of grass names relevant to the flora of Singapore Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 71 (1): 1-44
  50. Veldkamp, J. F. 1982 Agrostis (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan Blumea 28: 199-228
  51. Veldkamp, J. F. 1992 Deyeuxia stenophylia and D. suizanensis (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan Taiwania 38(1-2) 1-4

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  14. 郭亚龙,葛颂 2006 稻族的系统发育及其研究进展 植物分类学报 44(2): 211–230
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Microstegium Reference

  1. Chen, Chih-Hui, Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2007 Microstegium japonicum (Miq.) Koidz. as a Newly Recorded Grass to Taiwan. Endemic Species Research 9(2) 77-80
  2. Chen, C.-H., J. F. Veldkamp, C.-S. Kuoh, C.-C. Tsai, Y.-C. Chiang 2009 Segregation of Leptatherum from Microstegium (Andropogoneae, Poaceae) confirmed by Internal Transcribed Spacer DNA sequences Blumea 54 175-180
  3. Chen, Chih-Hui, Jan Frits Veldkamp and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2011 Microstegium glabratum (Brongn.) A. Camus (Poaceae, Andropogoneae) a New Record for Japan, China, and Taiwan, Based on Morphologica and Molecular Evidence Taiwania 56(2): 111-117
  4. Chen, Chih-Hui, Jan Frits Veldkamp and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2011 Supplements to the Genus Microstegium Nees (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) of Taiwan. TW J. of Biodivers. 13(1) 85-91
  5. Jung, Ming-Jer, Chien-Wen Chen and Shih-Wen Chung 2010 Two Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 55(4): 412-416 / Hypochaeris chillensis and Microstegium fasciculatum