澳洲行-Purling Brook Falls Springbrook National Park 健行
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今天的天氣又不行,乾脆去Shopping,跑到購物中心看到書店,就是各取所需,看到磚頭書,狠下心買兩本合計10公斤的澳洲園藝圖鑑,加一本Wild plants of Greater Brisbane,總算找到基本的線索可以比對,回家可以加速搞定。
昨天陣日爛天氣,希望今天好天氣可以維持久一點,早上決定去Purling Brook Falls Springbrook National Park,不過,先轉進Hinze Dam逛一圈,同學說Hinze 水庫整建後就沒來看過,Hinze Dam的視野算是不錯,只是看不到啥草木開花株,僅路旁拍銳葉牽牛 Ipomoea indica花朵畫面,虛晃一招,就去Purling Brook Falls。
據了解Springbrook National Park周邊有許多健行步道,Purling Brook Falls算是地景精華區,從入口處不到10分鐘的距離就見到夠氣勢的瀑布,俯瞰底層蜿蜒的山徑計確定是可以往下走,海拔落差約百米,或許下雨天,路況稍泥濘,不難行進,只是抵瀑布底層卻見到步道坍蹋待整修的黃條,遠看另一頭亦是如此,只能說應該是個暫時無法行走的環形步道,瀑布底層見到冠子藤 Lophospermum erubescens,花實在太亮眼,不拍對不起自己,當時直覺是玄參科只是此屬台灣沒有,只好一個個慢找,還是被我碰到,回程細雨再補Tripladenia cunninghamii,只是拍的很醜,將就點。
下午,同學說還有附近一處視野超棒的觀景台 Bilboroughs Lookout,我們走進去大概是10分鐘距離,只是濃霧罩山區,啥都沒見到,或許明後天再來,不過,此步道放著澳大利亞山毛櫸(莫爾氏假山毛櫸) Nothofagus moorei (F.Muell.) Krasser ,假山毛榉属的解說牌,訴說澳洲殼斗目南青岡科 Nothofagaceae的生育地,此樹可以說是巨木,或許日後有機回找到合適的植株再補畫面,下大雨還是撤兵。
抵同學家,天氣轉晴,乾脆停院的毛馬齒莧 Portulaca pilosa開花株與 澳洲蒲桃 Syzygium australe開花株再補幾張畫面,澳洲蒲桃 Syzygium australe最特殊的是Leafy twigs 4-angled to shortly 4-winged, wings joining above each node to produce a small pocket,只是這個pocket的定義一直看不出來,原本以為是Syzygium luehmannii,但是枝4稜且葉片突尖形態不一樣,所以暫時都納入澳洲蒲桃 Syzygium australe。
- 澳大利亞山毛櫸(莫爾氏假山毛櫸) Nothofagus moorei (F.Muell.) Krasser
Australia Travel web
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- The Royal Botanic Gardens
- Land Theme Report in Australia
- Byron Bay, New South Wales
- Australian Agriculture Assessment 2001
Australia Travel web
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- The Royal Botanic Gardens
- Land Theme Report in Australia
- Byron Bay, New South Wales
- Australian Agriculture Assessment 2001
Australia Plant Web
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Australian Govment;Flora of Australia
- Australian Plant Name Index - APNI;https://www.anbg.gov.au/apni/
- The Atlas of Living Australia
- Flora of Australia Online
- Australian Native Plants Society
- Australian Native Plants
- The mangrove genus Avicennia Avicenniaceae in Australia
- Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 6
- Mangrove Watch in Australia
- Australian Plant Name Index - APNI
- Gardening Australia
- Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia
- New South Wales Flora Online
- The Western Australian Flora
- World Wild Wattle
- Flora of Queensland
- Flora of Brisbane
- Flora of Australia by state or territory
- The Gymnosperm Database
- Conifers from all around the world
- Land Theme Report in Australia
- List of Banksia species
- Tropical Garden Society of Sydney
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Noosa's Native Plants
- Flowering Plant Families in Australia
- George, Alexander S. 1989 Flora of Australia, Volume 3, Hamamelidales to Casuarinales Australia Government Publishing Service
- Gibson, Neil and J. B. Kirkpatrick 1985 A comparison of the cushion plant communities of New Zealand and Tasmania New Zealand Journal of Botany 23 549-566
- Orchard, Anthony E. 1995 Flora of Australia Volume 16, Elaeagnaceae, Proteaceae 1. Melbourne Australian Nature Conservation Agency
- Orchard, Anthony E. 1996 Flora of Australia Volume 28, Gentianales. Melbourne CSIRO Australia
- George, Alexander S. &Rosemary W. Purdie 1987 Flora of Australia Volume 45 Hydatellaceae to Liliaceae Commonwealth Government