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桑寄生族 Trib. Lorantheae

梨果寄生属 Scurrula L.

寄生性灌木;嫩枝、叶被毛。叶对生或近对生,侧脉羽状。总状花序,稀少花的伞形花序,腋生;花4数,两侧对称,每朵花具苞片1枚;花托梨形或陀螺状,基部渐狭;副萼环状,全缘或具4齿;花冠在成长的花蕾时管状,稍弯,下半部多少膨胀,顶部椭圆状或卵球形,开花时顶部分裂,下面一裂缺较深,裂片4枚,反折;雄蕊着生于裂片的基部,花丝短,花药4室,药室具横隔或无;子房1室,基生胎座,花柱线状,约与花冠等长,具四棱,柱头通常头状。浆果陀螺状、棒状或梨形,下半部骤狭呈柄状或近基部渐狭,被毛或无毛,外果皮革质,中果皮具粘胶质;种子1颗。 模式种:红花寄生Scurrula parasitica L.


《国际植物命名法规》1972年版(西雅图法规)的附录III,将本属视作 Loranthus Jacq.的异名;本志赞同B. H. Danser的观点,Scurrula L.不宜归并。

4. Taxillus matsudai (Hayata) Danser 松寄生

Leaves subopposite, coriaceous, spatulate, 2-2.5 cm long, 5-10 mm broad, apex rounded, base attenuate, margins entire; petioles 2-3 mm long. Inflorescence an umbel, 2-5-flowered; peduncles 3 mm long; pedicels 3 mm long, bracteate at base and with 2 or 3 connate bracteoles at apex; calyx urceolate, limb 4-partite, segments linear, 5 mm long, reflexed; style filiform, exserted; Fruits berry-like.

Endemic. Parasitic on Pinus taiwanensis Hayata, Pinus morrisonicola Hayata and Tsuga chinensis (Franchet) Pritz. Ex Diels var. formosana (Hayata) Li & Keng, at median to high elevations in the central mountains. ILAN: Taipingshan, Suzuki 907. TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, Sasaki 8658, Suzuki s. n. 1938; Lishan, Mutada 8654 (Isotype, TAIF). NANTOU: Meiyuen, Suzuki s. n. 1927 (Isotype, TAIF); Tsuiluan, Chiu 3133; Salisiensi, Hsu 2402; Wushunkeng, Kanehira & Sasaki s. n. 1918; Wushe, Matuda 8653. TAITUNG: Wentzetzushe, Kawakami & Mori 8659. HUALIEN: Piluchi, Chiu et al. 2879.

This is the only species of Loranthaceae in Taiwan restricted only to conifers.
