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6. Actinidia rufa (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. 腺齒獼猴桃

Climbing shrubs to 12 m long; young shoots rufous-tomentose, branches glabrous, with prominent lenticels; pith light brown, lamellate. Leaves broadly ovate to oblong ovate or suborbicular, 4-16 cm long, 3.5-9.5 cm broad, obtuse to mucronate or long-acuminate at apex, rounded to slightly cordate, sometimes oblique, at base, margins finely denticulate, glandular, glabrous or sparsely scabrous on upper surface, glabrescent except veins tomentose beneath, seedlings densely strigose, leaves densely scabrous on both surfaces, midrib concave above, raised beneath, lateral veins 6-8 per side, veinlets obvious, petioles slender, 2-4 cm long, sparsely scabrous. Inflorescences axillary cymes, ca. 4 cm long, usually solitary, staminate inflorescences many-flowered, pistillate inflorescences few-flowered, both rusty puberulous or tomentose; flowers white, 1-1.5 cm across; sepals 5, oblong, ca. 5 mm long, brown tomentose; petals 5, ovate, ca. 1 cm long; stamens many; ovary ovoid, 6 mm long, densely tomentose; styles about 4 mm long. Fruit ovoid or oblong, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm across, brownish, spotted.

Korea, Japan, the Ryukyus and Taiwan. Taiwan, in the northern part at medium to high altitudes.

ILAN: Chilanshan, forest road No. 100 25km+600m, Peng 628, Hu 1387; Central cross highway 89km+600m, Tseng 495.

シマサルナシ Actinidia rufa
