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緣毛松蘭 Gastrochilus ciliaris

  • Gastrochilus ciliaris F. Maek.;Chung & Leou, Quarterly journal (Bulletin) of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University 7(1): 80. fig. 1, 2. 1993. (Quart. J. Exp. For. Natl. Taiwan Univ., 國立台灣大學農學院實驗林硏究報告)
  • Gastrochilus ciliaris Maek.;J. Jap. Bot. 12: 92 1936.

三角唇松蘭 Gastrochilus deltoglossus

金松蘭 Gastrochilus flavus

  • Gastrochilus raraensis Fukuy. var. flavus (T. P. Lin) S. S. Ying, Coloured illustrations of indigeous orchids of Taiwan 2: 526. 1990. (Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan, 台灣蘭科植物彩色圖鑑)

台灣松蘭 Gastrochilus formosanus

  • Gastrochilus formosanus (Hayata) Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: Add. & Corr. (1915).
  • Gastrochilus formosanus (Hayata) Hayata;Gen. Index Fl. Form.: 78 (1917)
  • Gastrochilus formosanus (Hayata) Hayata;Icon. Pl. Formosan. 10: 35 (1921);

  • Gastrochilus rupestris Fukuy., The Botanical magazine, Tokyo 49: 763. 1935. (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 植物學雜誌);
  • Gastrochilus quercetorum Fukuy., The Botanical magazine, Tokyo 50: 16. 1936. (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 植物學雜誌);
  • Gastrochilus nebulosus Fukuy., The Botanical magazine, Tokyo 49: 826. 1936. (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 植物學雜誌);
  • Saccolabium rupestris (Fukuy.) S. Y. Hu, Quarterly journal of the Taiwan Museum 28(1, 2): 152. 1975. (Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 臺灣省博物館季刊)
  • Saccolabium quercetorum (Fukuy.) S. Y. Hu, Quarterly journal of the Taiwan Museum 28(1, 2): 152. 1975. (Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 臺灣省博物館季刊)
  • Saccolabium shaoyaoii S. S. Ying, Coloured illustrations of indigeous orchids of Taiwan 1: 310. 1977. (Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan, 台灣蘭科植物彩色圖鑑)
  • Gastrochilus matsuran auct. non (Makino) Schltr.: Liu & Su, Flora of Taiwan 5: 1001. 1978. (Fl. Taiwan, 台灣植物誌)
  • Gastrochilus formosanus (Hayata) Hayata var. shaoyaoii (S. S. Ying) S. S. Ying, Coloured illustrations of indigeous orchids of Taiwan 2: 522. 1990. (Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan, 台灣蘭科植物彩色圖鑑)

紅斑松蘭 Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus

  • Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus (Hayata) Schltr., Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 4: 288. 1919. non. conj.. (Rep. Sp. Nov. Regni Veg., )

何氏松蘭 Gastrochilus hoii

黃松蘭 Gastrochilus japonicus

寬唇松蘭 Gastrochilus matsudai

合歡松蘭 Gastrochilus rantabunensis

  • Gastrochilus rantabunensis C. Chow, Formosan Orchid 61. 1968. in Chinese.
Gastrochilus rantabunensis C.Chow ex T.P.Lin is an accepted name;Native Orchids Taiwan 3
  • 109 1987.
  • Gastrochilus bellinus (Rchb. f.) Kuntze, Quarterly journal of Chinese forestry 21(2): 115. 1988. (Quart. J. Chin. For., 中華林學季刊)

紅檜松蘭 Gastrochilus raraensis

雪山松蘭 Gastrochilus × hsuehshanensis
