- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=2&list=620
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=2&list=620
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/PlantInfo/species-name.php?code=351%20008%2001%201
- Schima superba Gard. & Champ. var. kankaoensis (Hayata) Keng;Keng, Taiwania 1: 227. 1950.
- Schima kankoensis Hayata, Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 8: 9. 1919. (Icon. Pl. Formos., 台灣植物圖譜) ;https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=8&book=Icon.%20Pl.%20Formos.&page=9
- Schima noronhae auct. non Reinw.;Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Formos. 8. 1917;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/42574#page/26/mode/1up
- Schima kankaoensis Hayata is a synonym of Schima superba Gardner & Champ.;http://www.plantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/tro-31600532
- Schima noronhae auct. non Reinw.;Henry, List Pl. Formos. 20. 1896.;https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=0&book=List%20Pl.%20Formos.&page=20
- Schima noronhae auct. non Reinw.;Matsum. & Hayata, (Enum. Pl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 22:48 (1906);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31485#page/58/mode/1up
- Schima noronhae auct. non Reinw.;Hayata, (Fl. Mont. Formos.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 25 (19): 62 1908;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31386#page/468/mode/1up
- Schima superba auct. non Gard. & Champ.: Sasaki, Cat. Govern. Herb. (Form.) 351. 1930.
- Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. ssp. norohnae (Reinw.) Bloemb. var. superba (Gardn. & Champ.) Bloemb., Reinwardtia 2: 159. 1952./Bloembergen, S. 1952. A critical study in the complex-polymorphous genus Schima (Theaceae) Reinwardtia 2 (1):133-183
- Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. subsp. noronhae (Reinw. ex Blume) Bloemb. イジュ 標準;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=17750
- Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. subsp. noronhae (Reinw. ex Blume) Bloemb. var. superba (Gardner et Champ.) Bloemb.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=35365
- Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. subsp. liukiuensis (Nakai) Bloemb.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=20721
- Schima superba Gardner et Champ. var. kankaoensis (Hayata) H.Keng;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=39620
- Schima superba Gardner et Champ.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=20722
- Schima noronhae Reinw. ex Blume;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=28362
- Schima liukiuensis Nakai;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=20723
- Schima wallichii auct. non (DC.) Korth.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=20720
- 《中国植物志》 第49(3)卷 (1998) >> 224页 PDF >> 木荷 Schima superba;http://www.iplant.cn/info/Schima%20superba?t=z
- FOC Vol. 12 Page 421, 423;Schima superba Gardner & Champion, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 1: 246. 1849.;木荷;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200014158