討論:Eranthemum pulchellum
- 《中国植物志》 第70卷 (2002) >> 059页 PDF >> 喜花草 Eranthemum pulchellum;https://www.iplant.cn/info/Eranthemum%20pulchellum?t=z
- Nepal Checklist;Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews, ; B. Repos. 2: t. 88 1800;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=242422229
- Flora of Pakistan;Eranthemum pulchelum Andrews, Bot. Repos. 2: t. 88. 1800;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=250084354
- India Biodiversity Portal;Eranthemum pulchellum;https://indiabiodiversity.org/species/show/229656
- efloraofindia - Google Sites;Eranthemum pulchellum;https://efloraofindia.com/2011/02/28/eranthemum-pulchellum/
- India Flora Online;Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews;https://indiaflora-ces.iisc.ac.in/herbsheet.php?id=4450&cat=13
- Trung tâm Dữ liệu Thực vật Việt Nam;Eranthemum pulchellum Andr.;https://www.botanyvn.com/cnt.asp?param=edir&v=Eranthemum%20pulchellum&list=species&lg=en
- Singapore Nparks Flora Fauna website.;Eranthemum pulchellum Hort.;https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/flora/6/4/6426
- Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews;This species is accepted;https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:48879-1
- Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews is an accepted name;http://www.plantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2791833
- Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews;Bot. Repos. 2: T. 88 1800;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/36003547#page/367/mode/1up
- Upudalia pulchella (Andrews) Raf. in Fl. Tellur. 4: 66 (1838)
- Pseuderanthemum pulchellum (Andrews) Merr. in Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 248 (1912)
- Upudalia pulchella (Andrews) Raf. in Fl. Tellur. 4: 66 (1838)
- Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews;Kladwong, T. N. H. 22: 87 2022;Kladwong, Pornchai and Pranom Chantaranothai 2022 The Genera Dyschoriste, Eranthemum and Phaulopsis (Acanthaceae) from Thailand Tropical Natural History 22: 85–99
- Justicia nervosa Vahl;This name is a synonym of Eranthemum pulchellum;https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:302958-2
- Justicia nervosa Vahl in Enum. Pl. Obs. 1: 164 (1804)
- Eranthemum nervosum (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. in Syst. Veg., ed. 15[bis]. 1: 174 (1817)
- Daedalacanthus nervosus (Vahl) T.Anderson in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 487 (1867)
- Siphoneranthemum nervosum Kuntze in Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 495 (1891)
- Daedalacanthus nervosus (Vahl) T.Anderson in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 487 (1867)
- Eranthemum nervosum (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. in Syst. Veg., ed. 15[bis]. 1: 174 (1817)
- Eranthemum asperum Hook.f.;This name is a synonym of Eranthemum pulchellum;https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:48729-1
- Eranthemum asperum Hook.f. in Bot. Mag. 94: t. 5711 (1868)
- Justicia bicolor Sims;This name is a synonym of Eranthemum pulchellum;https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:50361-1
- Justicia bicolor Sims;Bot. Mag. 35: t. 1423 (1811)