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Part I

Matsum. & Hayata, (Enum. Pl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 22:130 (1906);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31485#page/140/mode/1up
Hayata, (Fl. Mont. Formos.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 25 (19): 89 1908;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31386#page/495/mode/1up
Hayata, (Mat. Fl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(Art. 1): 107 (1911).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/121156#page/123/mode/1up
Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 1: 144. 1911. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16215#page/5/mode/1up
Hayata, Icon. Fl. Formos. 2: 5. 1912;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16461#page/17/mode/1up
Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 3: 106. 1913.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16237#page/122/mode/1up
Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Formos. 26. 1917;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/42574#page/44/mode/1up

Siebold, Philipp Franz von;Synopsis Hydrangeae generis specierum Japonicarum
Hooker, William Jackson;The British flora : comprising the phaenogamous or flowering plants, and the ferns
Wilson, Ernest Henry; The Hortensias Hydrangea macrophylla DC. and Hydrangea serrata DC.
Piper, Charles Vancouver;Flora of the state of Washington;Contributions from the United States National Herbarium ; v.11.

Part II

Rouy, Georges, Flore de France; ou, Description des plantes qui croissent spontanément en France, en Corse et en Alsace-Lorraine 1893

Part III

  1. Hirota, Shun K., Tetsukazu Yahara, Kengo Fuse, Hiroyuki Sato, Shuichiro Tagane, Shinji Fujii, Tadashi Minamitani, Yoshihisa Suyama 2022 Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the Hydrangea serrata complex (Hydrangeaceae) in western Japan, including a new subspecies of H. acuminata from Yakushima PhytoKeys 188: 49-71
  • Nakai, T. 1938 Brief explanation of Sieboldʼs Synopsis Hydrangeae generis specierum Japonicarum. In: Siebold P. F., Einige Worte über den Zustand der Botanik auf Japan (a facsimile reprint), ShokubutsuBunken-Kankō-Kai, Tokyo, [In the part of Explanation (totally 17 pp), 12–14 pp.]
  1. Ohba, Hideaki and Shinobu Akiyama 2016 Generic Segregation of Some Sections and Subsections of the Genus Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) J. Jpn. Bot. 91 (6): 345-350
  1. Ru, Jian, Wen-Bin Ju, Heng-Ning Deng, Bo Xu, Xiang Zhou, Chuan-Jiong Liu, Wei Huang 2024 Hydrangea xinfeniae (Hydrangeaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China PhytoKeys 238: 65-73
  1. Shimizu, Tatemi and Muh-Tsuen Kao 1962 Saxifragaceae of Taiwan Taiwania 8(1): 127-142
  2. Tagane, Shuichiro, Shinji Fujii, Shun K. Hirota, Akiyo Naiki, Tetsukazu Yahara 2022  Hydrangea marunoi (Hydrangeaceae), a new species from Osumi Peninsula, southern Japan PhytoKeys 211: 33-44
  1. 山崎敬 2000 ヤエヤマコンテリギについて 植物研究雑誌 75: 320-321
  • 张梅,夏常英,傅连中,刘正博,于胜祥 2019 绣球属(Hydrangea L.)及近缘属花粉形态的研究 广西植物 39(3):297-311

Hydrangea Reference

  1. Koidzumi, Geniti 1918 Contributiones ad Floram Asiae Orientalis (Continued from p. 63.) Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 32 (378): 134-138
  2. Koidzumi, Geniti 1925 Contributiones ad Cognitionem Florae Asiae Orientalis, XII. (continued from vol. XXXVIII. p. 113.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39 (457): 1-30
  3. Koidzumi, G. 1926 Contributiones ad Cognitionem Floræ Asiæ Orientalis (Continued from Vol. XXXIX p. 318) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40 (474): 340-348
  4. Nakai, T. 1911 Notulæ ad plantas Japoniæ et Koreæ Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 25 (289): 52-64
  5. Nakai, Takenosin 1950 Notulae ad plantas Asiae Orientalis (35) J. Jap. Bot. 25 (7): 129-137
  6. Ohba, Hideaki 1986 The genus Hydrangea Studies on the plants of Minami Iwojima Island (Japan) (3) J. Jap. Bot. 61 (6): 173-180
  7. Ohba, Hideaki 1989 New names and notes of Japanese woody plants J. Jap. Bot 64 (11) 321-329
  8. Ohba, Hideaki and Shinobu Akiyama 2013 A Revision of the Species of Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) Described by Siebold and Zuccarini, Part 1 Bull. Natn. Mus. Nat. Sci. (Tokyo) ser. B 39 (4): 173-194
  9. Ohba, Hideaki and Shinobu Akiyama 2014 A Revision of the Species of Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) Described by Siebold and Zuccarini, Part 2 Bull. Natn. Mus. Nat. Sci. (Tokyo) ser. B 40 (1): 29-45
  10. Ohba, Hideaki and Shinobu Akiyama 2014 Observation on variation in the ornamental flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. (Hydrangeaceae) Bull. Natn. Mus. Nat. Sci. ser. B (Bot.) 40: 139-144
  11. Ohba, Hideaki and Shinobu Akiyama 2016 Generic Segregation of Some Sections and Subsections of the Genus Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) J. Jpn. Bot. 91 (6): 345-350
  12. Owen, James S., Amy Fulcher, Anthony LeBude, Matthew Chappell Hydrangea Production: Cultivar Selection and General Practices to Consider When Propagating and Growing Hydrangea University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
  13. Reed, Sandra M. and Timothy A. Rinehart 2007 Simple Sequence Repeat Marker Analysis of Genetic Relationships within Hydrangea macrophylla J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 132(3): 341–351
  14. Shimizu, Tatemi and Muh-Tsuen Kao 1962 Saxifragaceae of Taiwan Taiwania 8 (1): 127-142

  1. 木村雄四郎 1969 アマギアマチャについて 植物学雑誌 44 (11): 343–346
  2. 山中二男 1966 花三題 植物学雑誌 41 (2): 57–59
  3. 卫兆芬 1994 中国绣球属植物的修订 广西植物 14 (2):101-121
  4. 芹沢俊介 1981 コアジサイの新品種 植物学雑誌 56 (9): 296–298
  5. 津山尚 1952 箱根産タマアジサイの八重化品の一型 植物学雑誌 27 (10): 303–303
  6. 高维衡 1987 甘肃八仙花属一新种 植物分类学报 25 (5): 410-411
  7. 籾山泰一 1954 ヤクシマアジサイについて 植物学雑誌 29 (4): 124–125
  8. 葛丽萍、路安民、潘开玉 2003 马桑绣球绣球科)的花器官发生和发育 植物分类学报 41(3) 235-244
  9. 檜山庫三 1934 アマギコアジサイ奥多摩に産す 植物学雑誌 10 (6): 391–392
  10. 檜山庫三 1961 ガクウツギの紅花品 植物学雑誌 36 (10): 331–331