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Koidzumi Gen'ichi;Ligularia in Japan

  1. 北川政夫 1956 東亞植物斷想錄 (9) 植物研究雑誌 31: 302-306
  1. 北村四郎 1939 東亜産新植物記相 4 植物分類,地理 8 (2):75-90
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1942 Compositae Japonicae (Pars Tertia) Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Ser. B 16: 155-292 1942
  1. Illarionova, Irina 2013 Typification and specific status of Senecio lagotis W. W. Sm. (Asteraceae) Taiwania 58: 221-225
  2. Illarionova, Irina 2014 Taxonomic Notes on Sections Corymbosae and Subracemosae of Genus Ligularia (Asteraceae) J. Jpn. Bot. 89: 365-375