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Part I

Chung, R. C. K.;Leaf Epidermal Micromorphology of Grewia L. and Microcos L. (Tiliaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo
Chung, R. C. K. & Lim, A. L.;A synopsis of the Bornean species of Microcos L, (Tiliaceae)
Chung, R. C. K.;The significance of pollen morphology in the taxonomy of Grewia and Microcos (Tiliaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo

Part II

Part III

  • Chung, R. C. K. & Engkik Soepadmo 2011 Taxonomic revision of the genus Microcos (Malvaceae-Grewioideae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore Blumea 56: 273-299