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Part I

Hu, Chi-Ming., Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêt-nam, 32 Myrsinaceae
Deniker, Joseph, Atlas manuel de botanique : illustrations des familles et des genres de plantes phanérogames et cryptogames : caractères, usages, origines, distribution géographique
Jackes, Betsy R.;Taxonomic revision of Australian Myrsinaceae: Ardisia Sw. and Tetrardisia Mez
Chen, Jie. & Pipoly, John J. III;Nomenclatural notes on the Myrsinaceae of China
De Candolle, M. Alphonse;A Review of the Natural Order Myrsineae
Furtado, C. X.;Some New or Noteworthy Species of Malaysia
Hocheeutiner, B. P. G.;CATALOGUS BOGORIENSIS NOVUS;Plantarum phanerogamarum quae in horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur berbaceis exceptis
Walker, Egbert Hamilton;New and Critical Chinese and Indo-Chinese Myrsinaceae
Scheffer, Rudolph H. C. C.;Commentatio de myrsinaceis archipelagi Indici
Große, Alfred;Anatomisch-systematische Untersuchungen der Myrsinaceen
Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm;Die indo-malayische Strandflora.;Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen ; Hft. 3.
Faure, P;Contribution à l’étude caryo-taxinomique des Myrsinacées et des

Part II

Gaertner, Joseph, De fructibus et seminibus plantarum /Joseph Gaertner.


  1. Walker, Egbert H. 1954 Concerning the Myrsinaceae ("Ardisiaceae ") of Japan I Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67: 105-111
  2. Walker, Egbert H. 1954 Concerning the Myrsinaceae ("Ardisiaceae ") of Japan II Some critical genera and subgeneric taxa Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67: 155-162
  3. Walker, Egbert H. 1954 Concerning the Myrsinaceae (“Ardisiaceae”) of Japan III Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67: 203-213
  4. Walker, Egbert H. 1954 Concerning the Myrsinaceae (“Ardisiaceae”) of Japan IV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67: 247-255
  5. Walker, Egbert. H 1955 The Myrsinaceae of the Ryukyu Islands Science bulletin of Agriculture & Home Economics Division, University of the Ryukyus 4 (2): 60-79
  • 中井猛之進 1941 日本産やまたちばな科植物ノ系統分類二關スルー見解 植物学雑誌 55: 521-528