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Part I

Hayata, B.;On the Distribution of the Formosan Conifers
  • 全球松科分類綱要
  • 岩田利治・草下正夫: 邦産松柏類圖説 32 (T. IWATA・M: KUSAKA: Coniferae Japonicae I1lustratae 1952
Critchfield, William Burke & Little, Elbert Luther;Geographic distribution of the pines of the world;Miscellaneous publication / United States Department of Agriculture, no. 991
Deutsche Dendrologische Gesellschaft., Mitteilungen der Deutschen dendrologischen gesellschaft. 1893-1920
Flous, F.;Especes nouvelles de Keteleeria
Flous, F.;Especes nouvelles de Pseudotsuga Asiatique
Flous, M. F.;Revision du genre Keteleeria
Farjon, A.;A. second revision of the genus Keteleeria Carrière (Taxonomic notes on Pinaceae II)
Frankis, M. P.;Generic inter-relationships in Pinaceae
Hansen Carl;SYNOPSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDER CONIFERÆ;PINETUM DANICUM. CONIFERS COLLECTED AND OBSEEVED BY Peofessoe CARL HANSEN, Mynstersvei 2, Copenhagen, V. Notes sent to the Conifeer Confeeence held at Chiswick, Notes sent to the Conifee Confeeence held at Chiswick,
Wilson, Ernest Henry, The conifers and taxads of Japan. Issued December 30, 1916.
Page, Christopher N.;New and maintained genera in the conifer families Podocarpaceae and Pinaceae
Lambert, Aylmer Bourke & Don, David A description of the genus Pinus :illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the uses of the several species
Murray, Andrew;The Pines And Firs Of Japan
Fujioka, M.;Studien uber den anatomischen Bau des Holzes der japanischen Nadelbaume.
Koch, Karl, Dendrologie; Bäume, Sträucher und Halbsträucher, welche in Mittel- und Nord- Europa im Freien kultivirt werden.
Mayr, Heinrich;Monographie der Abietineen des japanischen Reiches (Tannen, Fichten, Tsugen, Lärchen und Kiefern) in systematischer, geographischer und forstlicher Besiehung
Mayr, Heinrich;Fremdlandische Wald- und Parkbaume fur Europa. Berlin
Nguyên, Tiên Hiêp , Gymnospermae : Cycadaceae, Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae, Cupressaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Taxaceae, Gnetaceae
Beissner, Ludwig, Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. Systematik, Beschreibung, Verwendung und Kultur der Freiland-Coniferen. Für Gärtner Forstleute und Botaniker
Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris 1864-1916
Trudy Botanicheskogo muzeia/Travaux du Musée botanique de l'Académie des sciences de Russie./Trudy Botanicheskago muzeia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk = Travaux du Musée botanique de l'Académie des sciences de Russie. 17、18
Patschke, Wilhelm;Über die extratropischen ostasiatischen Coniferen und ihre Bedeutung für die pflanzengeographische Gliederung Ostasiens
Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches. 1844-1857
MacNab, William Ramsay;A. Revision of the Species of Abies. By William Ramsay
Masters, Maxwell T.;A General View of tlie Genus Pinus
Van Houtte, Louis, Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe :ou descriptions et figures des plantes les plus rares et les plus méritantes, nouvellement introduites sur le continent ou en Angleterre 1845-1877
Downie, Dorothy G.;Chinese Species of Tsuga
Karsten, H. (Hermann), Deutsche Flora. Pharmaceutisch-medicinische Botanik. Ein Grundriss der systematischen Botanik zum Selbststudium für Aerzte, Apotheker und Botaniker
Engelmann, George;On Pinus aristata, a New Species of Pine, discovered by Dr. (J. C. Parry in the Alpine Regions of Colorado Territory, and on some other Pines of the Pocky Mountains.
Engelmann, George;Revision of the Genus Pinus, and Description Pinus elliottii
Griffith, William, Journals of travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan and the neighbouring countries
Farjon, A.;A. second revision of the genus Keteleeria Carrière (Taxonomic notes on Pinaceae II)
Koehne, Bernhard Adalbert Emil, Deutsche Dendrologie
Andresen, John W. & Steinhoff, Raphael J.;The taxonomy of pinus flexilis and P. strobiformus
Nelson, John., Pinaceae: being a handbook of the firs and pines.
Mottet, S.;Les Keteleeria
Antoine, Franz, Die Coniferen :nach Lambert, Loudon und Anderen
Lin, Jin-Xing, Hu, Yu-Shi & Wang, Fu-Hsiung;Wood and Bark Anatomy of Nothotsuga (Pinaceae)
Masters, Maxwell T.;On the Conifers of China
Orr, Matthew Young;A new Chinese silver fir
Orr, Matthew Young;Plantae Chinenses Forrestianae: Coniferae
Orr, Matthew Young;Notes on certain Coniferae recorded by Hector Léveillé in Flore du Kouy-tchéou
Farjon, Aljos;A second revision of the genus Keteleeria Carriere (Taxonomic notes on Pinaceae II)
Catling, Paul M.;Identification and Status of the Introduced Black Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo, in Ontario
Silba, John;A supplement to the international census of the Coniferae, II
Sénéclauze, Adrien.;Les Coniferes. Monographie Descriptive et Raisonnee Classee
  • Dickson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 6: 418-422 1860;Google Book
Dickson, Alexander; Obisexual cones occuring in the spruce fir, (Abies excelsa)
Barclay, Surgeon A.;On a Uredine affecting the Himalayan Spruce-fir (Abies smithiana, Forbes).

Kirkwood, Joseph Edward;Bisporangiate Cones of Larix
Steil, W. N.;Bisporangiate Cones of Pinus montana
Bartlett, A. W.;Note on the occurrence of an abnormal bisporangiate strobilus of Larix europaea, DC.
Fujii, Kenjiro 1895 Physiological Researches on the Sexuality of the Flowers of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.
Mason, Francis;The Pine tree of the Tenasserim Provinces
Bùi, Ngoc-Sanh;Matériaux pour la « Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam. » Les Abiétacées

Part II

Part III

  1. Businský, R. 2004 A revision of the Asian Pinus subsection Strobus (Pinaceae) Willdenowia 34: 209–257
  • de Laubenfels, D. J. 1978 The taxonomy of Philippine Coniferae and Taxaceae, Kalikasan: Philippine Journal of Biology 7 (2): 118-152.
  1. Niu, Shihui, Huwei Yuan, Xinrui Sun, Ilga Porth, Yue Li, Yousry A El-Kassaby, Wei Li 2016 A transcriptomics investigation into pine reproductive organ development New Phytologist 209(3):1278-1289
  1. Sharma, A., Sharma L. & Goyal Rohit 2018 A Review on Himalayan Pine Species: Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects. Pharmacog J. 10(4):611-619
  1. 早田文藏,佐竹義輔 1929 日本植物ニ關スル解剖分類學的貢献 植物学雑誌 43: 73-106
  1. 刘美辰,李 斌,左云娟,靳晓白,索志立 2024 基于质体基因组序列变异位点的松科油杉属和冷杉属植物资源遗传多样性的分子鉴定新方法 植物学研究 13(4): 434-445;https://doi.org/10.12677/br.2024.134046