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Part I

Part I

Part III

  1. Iketani, Hiroyuki and Hiroyoshi Ohashi 1991 Pourthiaea (Rosaceae) Distinct from Photinia J. Jpn. Bot. 66 (6): 352-355
  1. Liu, Bin-Bin 2016 A taxonomic revision of four complexes in the genus Pourthiaea (Rosaceae) Thesis for: Ph.D.Advisor: De-Yuan Hong
  1. Lou, Yi-Lei, Ze-Tao Jin, Dai-Kun Ma and Bin-Bin Liu 2022 A comprehensive checklist of the deciduous photinia on their validity and typification PhytoKeys 202: 1–33
  1. Shimizu, Tatemi 1964 A Note on Photinia and Pourthiaea (Rosaceae) of Taiwan Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobot 21 (1-2): 17-23