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Part I

Part II

Part III

  1. Dixit, B. K. and G. Panigrahi 1981 Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. (Rosaceae) in India Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Sci.) 90 (3) 253-272.
  1. Eriksson, Torsten, Magnus Lundberg, Mats Töpel, Pia Östensson and Jenny E. E. Smedmark 2014 Sibbaldia: a molecular phylogenetic study of a remarkably polyphyletic genus in Rosaceae Plant Syst. Evol. 301: 171-184
  1. Ikeda, Hiroshi and Hideaki Ohba 1996 A New Species of Sibbaldia, S. emodi (Rosaceae) from East Nepal J. Jpn. Bot. 71: 188-190
  2. Ikeda, Hiroshi, Hideaki Ohba and Mahendra N. Subedi 2004 Sibbaldia minutissima Kitam. (Rosaceae) is conspecific to S. adpressa. studies of the Flora of Mustang, central Nepal, 2 J. Jpn. Bot. 79: 91-95
  1. Tahir, Syeda Saleha 2005 Pollen morphology of Sibbaldia species (Rosaceae) Pakistan Journal of Botany 37(1):7-13