Ta-Ta-chia Saddle


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Yushan Map Guide Ta-Ta-chia Saddle Map

 From Tatachia Saddle to Yushan Main Peak, the mountain trail lies in the northwest direction of Nanzisian River valley. At 10.9 meters long, it wiggles between the Yushan main ridge and the mid-slope of the west peak. Rugged areas are mounted with footway planks. It is believed that this area has more alpine mountain planks than anywhere else does on the island. The views along the trail encompass the Yushan main ridge from opposite the river valley and the zigzag terrain of the southwest peak. Currently, the compound within the first 3 meters of the trail is burnt site. Only after that, can we see the hemlock spruce (abies) and fir woodlands. Inside the forest, dense and tall Yushan Arrow Bamboo Grass (Yushania niitakayamensis Hay) dots the entire compound. After a short while, it is easy to tell the Formosa hemlock spruce woodland from the fir woodland. The twigs of the Formosa hemlock spruce stretch outward; its bark is light brown in color and the needle-shape leaves congregate at the tips of the twigs. Every tree has its own unique shape. Although they may seem plain when viewed from the trail, they are pretty attractive in foggy atmosphere. Formosa fir is tall and straight. Its bark is in greenish brown color and the red-brown ball-shape flowers stand erect at the twigs, making such imposing sight.
