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Part I

Part II

Part III

  1. Nakai, Takenoshin 1921 Præcursores ad Floram Sylvaticam Koreanam, XI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35 (409) 1b-18
  1. 原寛 1944 あまどころトなるこゆり 植物研究雑誌20:(2): 94-102 ;H. HARA: Polygonαtum ~ Eupolygonatum in Nippon.
  • C. Jeffrey 1980 The Genus Polygonatum (Liliaceae) in Eastern Asia Kew Bulletin 34 (3):435-471

Polygonatum Reference

  1. Cai, Xiu-Zhen, Guang-Wan Hu, Elizabeth Mwihaki Kamande, Veronicah Mutele Ngumbau and Neng Wei 2015 Polygonatum campanulatum (Asparagaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China Phytotaxa 236(1):94-96.
  2. Chao, Chien-Ti and Yen-Hsueh Tseng 2019 Revision of Polygonatum (Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae, Polygonateae) of Taiwan PhytoKeys 117: 99–118
  3. Floden, Arron J. 2012 Reinstatement of Polygonatum yunnanense (Asparagaceae) Phytotaxa 58 (1) 59-64
  4. Floden, Aaron 2015 Lectotypification of Polygonatum franchetii and P. tsinlingense (Asparagaceae) Phytotaxa 218 (3):299-300
  5. Tamura, Minoru N. 1991 Biosystematic Studies on the Genus Polygonatum (Liliaceae) : II. Morphology of Staminal Filaments of Species Indigenous to Japan and its Adjacent Regions Acta Phytotax. Geobot 42 (1): 1-18
  6. Tamura, M. N., Andrea E. Schwarzbach, Sven Kruse and Ralf Reski 1997 Biosystematic studies on the genus Polygonatum (Convallariaceae) IV. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on restriction site mapping of the chloroplast gene trnK Feddes Repertorium 108 (3‐4):159-168
  7. Tamura, Minoru N. 2008 Biosystematic Studies on the Genus Polygonatum (Asparagaceae) V. Taxonomic Revision of Species in Japan Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 59 (1): 15-29
  8. Wang, Jia-Jian, Yong-Ping Yang, Hang Sun, Jun Wen, Tao Deng, Ze-Long Nie and Ying Meng 2016 The Biogeographic South-North Divide of Polygonatum (Asparagaceae Tribe Polygonateae) within Eastern Asia and Its Recent Dispersals in the Northern Hemisphere PLoS ONE 11 (11): e0166134
  9. Yonezawa, Nobumiti 1998 Polygonatum kiotense (Liliaceae), a New Species from Kyoto, Japan Acta Phytotax. Geobot 49 (1): 19-25
  10. Zhao, Li-Hua and Xing-Jin He 2014 Polygonatum gongshanense (Asparagaceae), a new species from Gongshan, Yunnan, China Ann. Bot. Fennici 51: 333–336
  11. Zhao, Li‐Hua, Song‐Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He, Zhi-xin Wang and Lu Peng 2014 A cytotaxonomic analysis of Chinese Polygonatum (Asparagaceae) species Nordic Journal of Botany 32 (4): 441-451

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