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Pinaceae Reference

  1. Businský, Roman 2003 A new hard Pine (Pinus, Pinaceae) from Taiwan NOVON 13(3) 281-288
  2. Businský, Roman 2004 A revision of the Asian Pinus subsection Strobus (Pinaceae) Willdenowia 34(1):209-257
  3. Havill, Nathan P., Christopher S. Campbell, Thomas F. Vining, Ben LePage, Randall J. Bayer and Michael J. Donoghue1 2008 Phylogeny and Biogeography of Tsuga (Pinaceae) Inferred from Nuclear Ribosomal ITS and Chloroplast DNA Sequence Data Systematic Botany 33 (3): 478–489
  4. Hayata, B. 1905 On the Distribution of the Formosan Conifers Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 19 (219):43-60
  5. Holman, Garth, Peter Del Tredici, Nathan Havill, Nam Sook Lee, Richard Cronn, Kevin Cushman, Sarah Mathews, Linda Raubeson, and Christopher S. Campbell1 2017 A New Species and Introgression in Eastern Asian Hemlocks (Pinaceae: Tsuga) Systematic Botany 42 (4): 733–746
  6. Li, Hui-lin and Hsuan Keng 1954 Icones Gymnospermum Formosanarum Taiwania 5: 25-83
  7. Matsumura, J. 1901 On Coniferæ of Loochoo and Formosa Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15 (177): 137-141
  8. Regato, P., Madrid, J. Gamisans and M. Gruber, Marseille 1995 A syntaxonomical study of Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii forests in the Iberian peninsula Phytocoenologia 25(4) 561-578
  9. Shih, Fu-Lung, Shih-Ying Hwang, Yu-Pin Cheng, Pei-Fen Lee and Tsan-Piao Lin 2007 Uniform genetic diversity, low differentiation, and neutral evolution characterize contemporary refuge populations of Taiwan fir (Abies kawakamii, Pinaceae) American Journal of Botany 94(2): 194–202
  10. Tian, Shuang, Lai-Chun Luo, Song Ge and Zhi-Yong Zhang 2008 Clear Genetic Structure of Pinus kwangtungensis (Pinaceae) Revealed by a Plastid DNA Fragment with a Novel Minisatellite Ann. Bot. 102(1): 69–78
  11. Vitas, Adomas 2011 Interpopulation Variation of Individual Tree Response to Pollution: Evidence from Scots Pine Dendrochronological Data Polish J. of Environ. Stud. 20(1) 209-214
  12. Watari S. 1956 Some Abietinean woods from the Tertiary of Japan J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 6 (9): 419-437

  1. 王慈憶,陳朝圳 2009 全球暖化對台灣冷杉屬植群之時空變化研究 98年度中華林學會
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  4. 佐竹義輔 1934 日本松科植物の毬果鱗に於ける維管束の走向の分類学的価値に就いて(其二) 植物研究雑誌 10 (12): 794-807
  5. 林文龍、謝長富、陳永寬、羅漢強 2003 台灣油杉生育地之植群分析 臺大實驗林研究報告 17(1): 33-47
  6. 林彩雲,張淳琤 2000 台灣油杉之遺傳歧異度分析 行政院農業委員會林務局保育研究系列 89-14 號
  7. 吴中伦 1956 中国松属的分类与分布 植物分类学报 5 (3): 131-163.
  8. 郑万钧,傅立国,诚静容 1975 中国裸子植物 植物分类学报 13 (4): 56-123
  9. 張惠珠 1999 合歡山台灣冷杉永久樣區之植群分析 內政部營建署太魯閣國家公園管理處
  10. 楊遠波 2007 台灣油杉植群統整之研究 行政院農業委員會林務局保育研究系列 95-29 號