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山茶科 Theaceae

山茶屬 Camellia


山茶亞屬 Subgen. Camellia


油茶組 Sect. Oleifera


油茶 Camellia oleifera

糙果茶組 Sect. Furfuracea


垢果山茶 Camellia furfuracea

短柱茶組 Sect. Paracamellia


短柱山茶 Camellia brevistyla

Thea brevistyla Hayata → Camellia brevistyla (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart
Camellia euryoides auct. non Lindley
Thea tenuiflora Hayata → Camellia brevistyla (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart
Thea gnaphalocarpa Hayata → Camellia brevistyla (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart
Camellia gnaphalocarpa (Hayata) Coh.-Stuart → unresolved name

錦美山茶 Camellia chinmeii

恆春山茶 Camellia hengchunensis

落瓣油茶 Camellia kissi

紅山茶組 Sect. Camellia


光果紅山茶亞組 Subsect. Lucidissima


日本山茶 Camellia japonica

Thea hozanensis Hayata → Camellia japonica L.
Thea nakaii Hayata → Camellia japonica L.
Camellia hozanensis Hayata → Camellia japonica L.
Camellia nakaii Hayata → Camellia japonica L.
Camellia japonica L. var. hozanensis (Hayata) Yamamoto → Camellia japonica L.
Camellia japonica L. var. nakaii (Hayata) Yamamoto → Camellia japonica L.

茶亞屬 Subgen. Thea

花1-3朵腋生,有柄,中等大或较小,苞被片常分化为苞片及萼片,苞片2-7,稀更多,宿存或脱落,萼片5-6,宿存;花瓣稍连生;雄蕊2-3轮,离生或外轮连合;子房2-5室,稀更多,花柱3-5 (-7)条或下半部合生,蒴果3-5室,有中轴。

茶組 Sect. Thea

花1-3朵腋生,有柄,中等大或较小,苞被片常分化为苞片及萼片,苞片2-7,稀更多,宿存或脱落,萼片5-6,宿存;花瓣稍连生;雄蕊2-3轮,离生或外轮连合;子房2-5室,稀更多,花柱3-5 (-7)条或下半部合生,蒴果3-5室,有中轴。

台灣山茶 Camellia formosensis

Camellia sinensis (L.) Ktze. f. formosensis Kitam.
Camellia sinensis (L.) Ktze. ssp. busisanensis (Sasaki) Lu & Yang → ???

 Camellia sinensis

阿薩姆茶 Camellia sinensis var. assamica

Camellia sinensis subsp. buisanensis

  • Camellia sinensis subsp. buisanensis (Sasaki) S.Y.Lu & Y.P.Yang, Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 20(1): 106 (1987).

後生山茶亞屬 Subgen. Metacamellia

  • 《中国植物志》 第49(3)卷 (1998) >> 141页 PDF >> 后生山茶亚属 Subgen. Metacamellia;
  • Camellia subgen. Metacamellia Hung T.Chang, Taxon. Gen. Camellia [H.T. Chang] 128 1981
  • Camellia subgen. Metacamellia Hung T.Chang;Chang et Bartholomew Camellias, 157, 1984.

連蕊茶組 Sect. Theopsis

禿連蕊茶系 Ser. Gymnandrae

  • 《中国植物志》 第49(3)卷 (1998) >> 157页 PDF >> 秃连蕊茶系 Ser. Gymnandrae;
  • Camellia ser. Gymnandrae Hung T.Chang, Taxon. Gen. Camellia [H.T. Chang] 144 1981
  • Camellia ser. Gymnandrae Hung T.Chang;Chang et Bartholomew Camellias, 172. 1984

阿里山茶 Camellia transarisanensis

Thea parvifolia Hayata → Camellia sinensis (L.) Ktzel
Thea transarisanensis Hayata
Camellia parvifolia (Hayata) Makino → Camellia transarisanensis (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart
Theopsis transarisanensis (Hayata) Nakai → Camellia transarisanensis (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart

  • Theopsis transarisanensis (Hayata) Nakai, J. Jpn. Bot. 16: 707. 1940

泛能高山茶 Camellia transnokoensis

Thea transnokoensis (Hayata) Makino & Nemoto → Camellia lutchuensis T. Itô
Theopsis transnokoensis (Hayata) Nakai → Camellia lutchuensis T. Itô

台湾连蕊茶 Camellia lutchuensis

毛连蕊茶系 Ser. Trichandrae Chang


毛枝連蕊茶 Camellia trichoclada

  • Camellia trichoclada (Rehder) S.S. Chien;Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China : Botanical Series 12: 100. 1939. (Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot.)
  • Thea trichoclada Rehder;Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 8(3): 176. 1927. (J. Arnold Arbor.) ;

毛蕊茶組 Sect. Eriandria


尾葉山茶 Camellia caudata

Camellia gracilis Hemsl. → Camellia caudata Wall.
Thea caudata (Wall.) Hayata → ???
Thea gracilis (Hemsl.) Hayata → Camellia caudata Wall.
Camellia buisanensis Sasaki → unresolved name
Camelliastrum gracile (Hemsl.) Nakai → Camellia caudata Wall.
Camellia caudata Wall. var. gracilis Yamamoto ex Keng → Camellia caudata Wall.

  • Camelliastrum gracile (Hemsl.) Nakai, Journal of Japanese Botany 16: 701. 1940. (J. Jpn. Bot., 植物硏究雑誌)
  • Camellia caudata Wall. var. gracilis Yamamoto ex Keng, Taiwania 1: 234. 1950.;

  • Camellia buisanensis Sasaki, Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 21: 223. 1931. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos., 台灣博物學會會報)

Camellia caudata var. gracilis

能高山茶 Camellia nokoensis

Camellia euryoides auct. non Lindley
Theopsis nokoensis (Hayata) Nakai → Camellia euryoides Lindl. var. nokoensis (Hayata) Tang S. Liu
Camellia euryoides Lindl. var. nokoensis (Hayata) Ming, → Camellia euryoides Lindl. var. nokoensis (Hayata) Tang S. Liu

柳葉山茶 Camellia salicifolia

Eurya distichophylla auct. non Hemsl.
Thea salicifolia Seem.
Thea salicifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) Seem. → Camellia salicifolia Champ. ex Benth.
Camelliastrum salicifolium (Champ.) Nakai
Camelliastrum salicifolium (Champ. ex Benth.) Nakai → Camellia salicifolia Champ. ex Benth.

  • Camellia salicifolia Champ. var. longisepala Keng;Keng, Taiwania 1: 233. 1950.


Theaceae Reference

  1. Bartholomew, Bruce and Ming Tienlu 2005 New Combinations in Chinese Polyspora (Theaceae) NOVON 15: 264–266.
  2. Bloembergen, S. 1952. A critical study in the complex-polymorphous genus Schima (Theaceae) Reinwardtia 2 (1):133-183
  3. Kamei, Aimi, Junko Miyamoto, Herwint Simbolon and Eizi Suzuk 2015 Genetic differentiation in Schima (Theaceae) in West Java, Indonesia, and Amami Islands, Japan TROPICS 24 (2) 47-55
  4. Kobuski, C. E. 1941 Studies in the Theaceae, VII. The American species of the genus Cleyera Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 22:395-416
  5. Keng, Hsuan 1950 The Theaceae of Taiwan Taiwania 1: 223-268
  6. Keng, Hsuan 1972 Two new Theaceous plants from Malaysia and a proposal to reduce Tutcheria to a synonym of Pyrenaria Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 26: 127 - 135
  7. Keng, Hsuan 1973 Nomenclatural Notes on Wu P’I Ch’a or the Black-barked Tea Plant Taiwania 18(1): 55-56
  8. Keng, Hsuan 1994 Flora Malesianae Precursores - LVIII, Part Four The Genus Schima (Theaceae) in Malesia Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 46 (1) 77 - 88
  9. Lee, Shih-Lin and Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang 2019 Camellia chinmeii, a new species of Camellia sect. Paracamellia in Taiwan Taiwania 64(3): 321-325
  10. Li, Jian-Hua, Peter Del Tredici, ShiXiong Yang, Michael J. Donoghue 2002 Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Stewartia (Camellioideae, Theaceae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal DNA its sequences Rhodora 104 (918): 117-133
  11. Li, Mi-Mi, Jian-Hua Li, Peter Del Tredici, Jeffrey Corajod and Cheng-Xing Fu 2013 Phylogenetics and biogeography of Theaceae based on sequences of plastid genes Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (4): 396-404
  12. Nakai, Takenoshin 1918 Notulæ ad Plantas Japoniæ et Koreæ XVIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32 (382): 215-232
  13. Prince, Linda M. and Clifford R. Parks 2001 Phylogenetic relationships of Theaceae inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence data American Journal of Botany 88(12):2309-2320
  14. Prince, Linda M. 2007 A brief nomenclatural review of genera and Tribes in Theaceae Aliso 24 105-121
  15. Shi, Xiang-Gang, Qiong-Yao Fu, Jian-Hua Jin & Cheng Quan 2017 Mummified Oligocene fruits of Schima (Theaceae) and their systematic and biogeographic implications Scientific Reports 7 (1) 4009
  16. Spongberg, Stephen A. 1974 A Review of Deciduous-Leaved Species of Stewartia (Theaceae) Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 55 (2): 182-214
  17. Spongberg, Stephen A. and Alfred J. Fordham 1975 Stewartias-Small Trees and Shrubs for All Seasons Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 35 (4): 165-180
  18. Tsou, Chih-Hua 1997 Embryology of the Theaceae - anther and ovule development of Camellia, Franklinia, and Schima American Journal of Botany 84(3) 369-381
  19. Tsou, Chih-Hua 1998 Early floral development of Camellioideae (Theaceae) American Journal of Botany 85(11):1531-1547
  20. Yang, Shi-Xiong, Xun Gong, Hua Peng and Zheng-Yi Wu 2000 A cytotaxonomic study on the genus Pyrenaria complex (Theaceae) Caryologia 53(3-4) 245-253
  21. Yang, Shi-Xiong 2005 New Combinations and Synonyms in Chinese Pyrenaria s.l. (Theaceae) Novon 15(2) 379-382

  1. 中井猛之進 1940 日華両国産ツバキ族植物の新分類法(其一) / A New Classification of the Sino-Japanese Genera and Species which belong to the tribe Camellieae (I) 植物研究雑誌 16 (11): 659–667
  2. 中井猛之進1940 日華両国産ツバキ族植物の新分類法(其二) A New Classification of the Sino-Japanese Genera and Species which belong to the tribe Camellieae (II) 植物研究雑誌 16(12): 691–708
  3. 叶创兴 1990 大头茶族的范围及族内属的界限 广西植物 10 (2): 99-103
  4. 韦仲新 1997 山茶科花粉超微结构及其系统学意义 云南植物研究 19(2) 143-153
  5. 闵天禄 1997 云南山茶科新种和新变种 云南植物研究 19(3) 221-223
  6. 陆露,王红,韦仲新 2005 山柳科和堇菜科八个种的花粉形态—兼谈第伦桃亚纲六个科及省沽油科的系统关系 云南植物研究 27(3) 269-278
  7. 杨世雄 闵天禄 1995 山茶科核果茶属石笔木属拟核果茶属的分类学位置 云南植物研究 17(2) 1-3
  8. 杨世雄 2005 国产大头茶属的分类处理 热带亚热带植物学报 13(4) 363-365

Camellia Reference

  1. Gu, Zhijian, Lifang Xia, Lishan Xie, Katsuhiko Kondo 1988 Report on the chromosome numbers of some species of Camellia in China Acta Bot.Yunn. 10(3): 291-296
  2. Nagamasu, H. Note on a Camellia species, Sect. Thea, of Doi Chang, North Thailand Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 38: 210
  3. Shen, Jin-Bo, Hong-Fei LÜ, Qiu-Fa Peng, Ju-Fang Zheng, Yu-Mei Tian 2008 FTIR spectra of Camellia sect. Oleifera, sect. Paracamellia, and sect. Camellia (Theaceae) with reference to their taxonomic significance Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46 (2):194-204
  4. Su, M. H., S. Z. Yang, & C. F. Hsieh 2004 The identify of Cammellia buisanensis Sasaki (Theaceae) Taiwania 49(3): 201-208
  5. Su, Mong-Huai, Chih-Hua Tsou and Chang-Fu Hsieh 2007 Morphological Comparisons of Taiwan Native Wild Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze forma formosensis Kitamura) and Two Closely Related Taxa Using Numerical Methods Taiwania 52(1): 70-83
  6. Su, Mong-Huai, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Chih-Hua Tsou, Jenn-Che Wang 2008 Camellia kissi Wallich (Theaceae): A newly recorded tree from Taiwan Taiwan. J. For. Sci. 23(4): 301-307
  7. Su, Mong-Huai , Chang-Fu Hsieh, and Chih-Hua Tsou 2009 The confirmation of Camellia formosensis (Theaceae) as an independent species based on DNA sequence analyses Botanical Studies 50:477-485
  8. Su, Mong-Huai, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Jenn-Che Wang, and Chih-Hua Tsou 2012 A taxonomic study of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora (Theaceae) based on phenetic analyses Bot. Stud. 53(2) 275-272
  9. Vijayan, Kunjupillai and Chih-Hua Tsou 2008 Technical report on the molecular phylogeny of Camellia with nrITS: the need for high quality DNA and PCR amplification with Pfu-DNA polymerase Bot. Stud. 49 177-188
  10. Wei, Xiao, Hong-Lin Cao, Yun-Sheng Jiang, Wan-Hui Ye, Xue-Jun Ge and Feng Li 2008 Population genetic structure of Camellia nitidissima (Theaceae) and conservation implications Botanical Studies 49: 147-153.
  11. Yang, Sheng-Zehn, Ho-Ming Chang, Chien-Fan Chen and Mong-Huai Su 2011 Camellia trichoclada (Rehder) S. S. Chien (Theaceae):A Newly Recorded Shrub in Taiwan Taiwan J. For. Sci. 26(3): 287-293

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