- 小石积属 Osteomeles
- 小石积 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia (Sm.) Lindl.
- 华西小石积 Osteomeles schwerinae C. K. Schneid.
- 圆叶小石积 Osteomeles subrotunda K. Koch
目錄 |
Rosaceae Reference
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- 中央研究院植物標本館 台灣本土植物資料庫-植物名錄
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- The Families of Flowering Plants By L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Office of the Forest Herbarium Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation in Thai
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- Parasitic Plant Connection - Balanophoraceae
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- University of Wisconsin-Madison | Botany Plant Growth Facilities
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