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蘭科 Orchidaceae

山蘭屬 Oreorchis



Orchidaceae Reference



  1. Agrawala, D. K. and H. J. Chowdhery 2013 Morphological diversity within the genus Eria (Orchidaceae) in India Richardiana XIII 184-197
  2. Agrawala, D. K. and Paul Ormerod 2014 A New Species of Eria (Orchidaceae) from India under the Section Cylindrolobus Taiwania 59(3) 206-209
  3. Ang, W. F., C. K. Yeo, Alvin Francis S. L. Lok, Aandy Angkasa, P. X. Ng and H. T. W. Tan, 2012. Rediscovery of Trichotosia velutina (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl. (Orchidaceae) in Singapore Nature in Singapore 5: 199–204
  4. Averyanov, Leonid V. 1988 Новые таксоны и номенклатурные изменения в семействе Orchidaceae флоры Вьетнама;New taxa and nomenclatural changes in the Orchidaceae family of Vietnamese flora БОТАНИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ 73(3):423-432
  5. Averyanov, Leonid V. and Anna Averyanova 2003 Updated Checklist Of The Orchids Of Vietnam Vietnam National University Publishing House
  6. Averyanov, Leonid V. 2009 Hayata glandulifera (Orchidaceae), New genus and species from northern Vietnam Taiwania 54(4) 311-316
  7. Averyanov, L. V. 2011 The orchids of Vietnam illustrated survey. Part 3. Subfamily Epidendroideae (primitive tribes – Neottieae, Vanilleae, Gastrodieae, Nervilieae) Turczaninowia 14(2): 15–100
  8. Averyanov, Leonid V., Van Canh Nguyen, Ba Vuong Truong, Tatiana V. Maisak, Hong Truong Luu, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Quang Diep Dinh, Hoang Tuan Nguyen, Xuan Canh Chu, Gioi Tran, Van Khang Nguyen, Hong S. Le 2018 New Orchids (Orchidaceae: Cymbidieae and Vandeae) in the Flora of Vietnam Taiwania 63: 119-138
  9. Averyanov L. V. 2022 New Orchids from Vietnam Rheedea 15: 83-101
  1. Bajracharya, Devendra M. and Krishna K. Shrestha 2009 Notes on Eria muscicola (Lindley) Lindley (Orchidaceae) and its allied novelties Pleione 3 (2): 163-166
  2. Bateman, Richard M. and Paula J. Rudall 2018 Clarified relationship between Dactylorhiza viridis and Dactylorhiza iberica renders obsolete the former genus Coeloglossum (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) Kew Bulletin 73 (4)
  3. Bhattacharjee, Avishek and C. M. Sabapathy 2010 A New Species of Zeuxine Lindl. (Orchidaceae) from India Taiwania 55(4): 342-345
  4. Braem, Guido J.2015 Paphiopedilum nataschae (Orchidaceae, Cypripedioideae), A new addition to the orchid flora of the Indonesian Archipelagoa. Richardiana 15 276-281
  5. Chang, Cing-Chun, Hsien-Chia Lin, I-Pin Lin, Teh-Yuan Chow, Hong-Hwa Chen, Wen-Huei Chen, Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Chung-Yen Lin, Shu-Mei Liu, Chien-Chang Chang, Shu-Miaw Chaw 2006 The chloroplast genome of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae): comparative analysis of evolutionary rate with that of grasses and its phylogenetic implications. Mol Biol Evol. 23(2):279-91
  6. Chen Sing-Chi and Guang-Hua Zhu 2002 Cephalanthera gracilis (Orchidaceae), A new species from China Acta Botanica Yunnanica 24(5) 600-602
  7. Chen, Sing-Chi, Yi-Bo Luo 2007 Notes on two confused Genera : Gastrochilus and Saccolabium (Orchidaceae). Acta Botanica Yunnanica 29(2): 167-168
  8. Chung, Shih-Wen, Yau-De Tzeng 2001 Epipogium aphyllum (F. W. Schmidt) Sw. (Orchidaceae), a new addition to the flora of Taiwan. Taiwan J. For. Sci. 16(4) 317-320
  9. Chung, Shih-Wen, Tien-Chuan Hsu, Ling-Ya Hung and Chih-Kai Yang 2005 The Genus of Acanthephippium Blume (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan Taiwania 50(3): 200-208
  10. Chung, Shih-Wen and Tien-Chuan Hsu 2006 Bulbophyllum kuanwuensis (Orchidaceae), a New Species in Taiwan. Taiwania 51(2): 139-142
  11. Chung, Shih-Wen and Tien-Chuan Hsu 2006 Gastrodia shimizuana, a Newly Recorded of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 51(1): 50-52
  12. Chung, Shih-Wen, Tien-Chuan Hsu and Tomohisa Yukawa 2006 Saccolabiopsis taiwaniana (Orchidaceae), a New Species from the Taiwan . Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 28(3):25-28
  13. Chung, Shih-Wen and Sheng-You Lu 2007 Dendrobium okinawense Hatusima & Ida (Orchidaceae): A newly recorded species in Taiwan. Taiwania 52(1): 106-112
  14. Chung, Shih-Wen, Tian-Chuan Hsu 2008 Corybas himalaicus (King & Pantl.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae): A Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forestry Science 23(1) 99-103
  15. Chung, Shih-Wen and Tian-Chuan Hsu 2009 Supplements to the orchid flora of Taiwan (II): A Newly Recorded species Goodyera bomiensis K. Y. Lang. Taiwania 54(2): 175-178
  16. Fukuyama, Noriaki 1934 Studia Orchidacearum Japonicarum III(Continued from Ann. Rep. Taihoku Bot. Gard. Vol. III.) Orchidaceae Formosanae Novae Atque Criticae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48 571: 429-422
  17. Fukuyama, Noriaki 1935 Studia Orchidacearum Japonicarum IV Orchidaceae Formosanae Novae Atque Criticae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49 581: 290-297
  18. Fukuyama, Noriaki 1935 Studia Orchidacearum Japonicarum V Orchidaceae Formosanae Novae Atque Criticae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49 583: 438-444
  19. Fukuyama, Noriaki 1936 Studia Orchidacearum Japonicarum. VIII Orchidaceae Formosae et Insulae Kôtô-syo Novae Atque Criticae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 50 (589): 16-24
  20. Hartini, Sri and Hary Wawangningrum Orchids From Mount Sago Nature Reserve, West Sumatera Proceedings The 1st SATREPS Conference 137-145.
  21. Hatusima, Sumihiko and Reijiro Ida 1970 A new Dendroblum from Isl. Okinawa The Journal of Geobotany 18 (3-4): 77-79
  22. Hossain, Mohammad Musharof 2011 Therapeutic orchids: traditional uses and recent advances — An overview Fitoterapia 82 102–140
  23. Hsieh, Fang-Mei, Po-Neng Shen, Ching-Hwang Liu, Tsan-Piao Lin 2018 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XI) Taiwania 63 (3): 241-247 / Epipogium meridianus, Liparis monoceros, Nervilia septemtrionarius
  24. Hsieh, Szu-I, Chong-Sheng Leou, Sheng-Kun Yu, Chi-Te Lee & Ching-Long Yeh 2013 Aphyllorchis rotundatipetala (Orchidaceae), a New Species from Taiwan Annales Botanici Fennici 50(3):179-182
  25. Hsieh, Szu-I, Chi-Te Lee, Chong-Sheng Leou, Chuan-Rong Yeh, Ching-Long Yeh and Jin-Hua Wu 2012 Gastrodia theana Aver. (Orchidaceae) a Newly Recorded Species from the Central Taiwan Taiwania 57 (4):399-402
  26. Hsu, Tien-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2007 Didymoplexis micradenia: A Newly Recorded Orchid (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 52(4): 360-364
  27. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2008 Two New Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) Species in Taiwan : B. brevipedunculatum and B. ciliisepalum Taiwania 53(1): 23-29
  28. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2008 Oberonia segawae (Orchidaceae): A new orchid species in Taiwan. Taiwania 53(2) 165-169
  29. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2009 Nomencleture changes of some orchids in China and Taiwan Taiwan J. For. Sci. 24(1) 75-78
  30. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2009 Supplements to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan (I). Taiwania 54(1): 82-87 / Eulophia peloricaKuhlhasseltia integraLecanorchis trilobaLecanorchis suginoanaLecanorchis virellaNeottia kuanshanensisNeottia meifongensisOdontochilus nanlingensisPeristylus taipoensis
  31. Hsu, Tian-Chuan, Chong-Sheng Leou, Ching-Long Yeh, Chuan-Rong Yeh and Shih-Wen Chung 2009 Supplements to the orchid flora of Taiwan (III): A Newly recorded species, Peristylus gracilis. Taiwania 54(4): 381-384
  32. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Chen-Meng Kuo 2010 Supplements to the Orchid flora of Taiwan (IV): four additions to the genus Gastrodia Taiwania 55(3) 243-248
  33. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2010 Supplements to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan (V). Taiwania 55(4): 363-369 / Luisia luiLecanorchis subpeloricaHayata merrilliiLecanorchis amethysteaLecanorchis trachycaula and Lecanorchis nigricans var. yakushimensis
  34. Hsu, Tian-Chuan & Chen-Meng Kuo 2011 Gastrodia albida (Orchidaceae), a new species from Taiwan Ann. Bot. Fennici 48: 272-275
  35. Hsu, Tian-Chuan, Shih-Wen Chung and Chen-Meng Kuo 2012 Supplements to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan (VI) Taiwania 57(3): 271-277 / Flickingeria xantholeucaGastrodia clausaGastrodia confusoidesNervilia alishanensis
  36. Hsu, Tian-Chuan 2013 Two new species of Liparis (Orchidaceae) from Taiwan Taiwania 58 (1) :1-6 / Liparis reckonianaLiparis rubrotincta
  37. Hsu, Tian-Chuan and Shih-Wen Chung 2014 Spiranthes hongkongensis (Orchidaceae): Newly recorded from Taiwan TW J. of Biodivers. 16(4): 405-408
  38. Hsu, Tian-Chuan, Hsin-Che Hung and Shih-Wen Chung 2015 Appendicula lucbanensis (Orchidaceae): A Newly Recorded Orchid in Taiwan Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 37(1):1-4
  39. Hsu, Tian-Chuan ,Chia-Lun Hsieh, Yung-Chun Chou 2016 Lecanorchis flavicans var. acutiloba (Orchidaceae), A Newly Recorded Orchid in Taiwan TW J. of Biodivers. 18(2): 115-121
  40. Hu, Ai-Qun, Mong-Huai Su, Ho-Ming Chang, Jenn-Che Wang 2010 Eria gagnepainii A. D. Hawkes & A. H. Heller (Orchidaceae), a Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan Taiwan J. For. Sci. 25(4) 369-375
  41. Huang, Da-Ming, Ya-Te Chen, Kuo-Hsiung Wang and Tsan-Piao Lin 2019 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XIII) Taiwania 64 (1): 43-51


  1. Jean, Goamg-Tyng, Yu-Lin Kao, Ching-Yan Tang, Wen-Huei Chen 2011 Distribution of Nuclei of Different Ploidy Levels during Ovule, Seed and Protocorm Development in Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana (Orchidaceae) American Journal of Plant Sciences 2 325-333
  2. Jin, Xiao-Hua and Hai-Ning Qin 2005 Zeuxine flava, a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 43(2): 181
  3. Jin, Xiao-Hua, Zhen-Quan Dai, Qing-Yi Liu and Xue-Yong Ju 2010 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on Orchidaceae from China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 32(4) 331-333
  4. Jung, Ming-Jer, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Chong-Sheng Leou and Ching-Long Yeh 2010 Notes on Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae) of Hsiaolanyu, Taiwan. Taiwania 55(4): 407-411
  5. Kruizinga, J., H. J. van Scheindelen and E. F. de Vogel 1997 Revision of the genus Bromheadia (Orchidaceae) Orchid Monographs 8 79-118
  6. Lang, Kai-Yong, Lai-Ping Siu 2002 A new species of Anoectochilus Blume (Orchidaceae) from China Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 40(2):164-166
  7. Lee, Yung-I 2013 Calanthe x hsinchuensis (Orchidaceae), a new natural hybrid from Taiwan. Botanical Studies 54:25-30
  8. Lee, Yung-I, Sheng-Kun Yu, Pei-Chun Liao, Kuo-Hsiung Wang, Tsan-Piao Lin 2019 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XIV) Taiwania 64 (4): 339-346
  9. Lin, Tsan-Piao and Chien-Chang Hsu 1977 The Genus Thrixspermum Lour. Of Taiwan (Orchidaceae) Taiwania 22 (1): 59-72
  10. Lin, Tsan-Piao and Ling-Lung Kuo Huang 2005 Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Liu & Su) Nakejima var. weiminianum and Flickingeria shihfuana, Two New Native orchids from Taiwan. Taiwania 50(4): 290-296
  11. Lin, Tsan-Piao and Wei-Min Lin 2009 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (III) Taiwania 54(4): 323-333 / Brachycorythis peitawuensisBulbophyllum electrinum var. calvumBulbophyllum electrinum var. suiBulbophyllum kuanwuensis var. luchuensisBulbophyllum kuanwuensis var. rutilumCheirostylis rubrifoliusChiloschista parishiiCorybas puniceusCorybas taliensisErythrodes blumei var. aggregatusFlickingeria parietiformisNervilia tahanshanensisOberonia pumilum var. rotundumTainia catervaVexillabium nakaianum
  12. Lin Tsan-Piao and Wei-Min Lin 2011 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (IV) Taiwania 56(4) 315-322 / Hancockia unifloraLecanorchis latensLiparis liangzuensisMalaxis shampoaeSpiranthes nivea
  13. Lin Tsan-Piao and Shu-Hui Wu 2012 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (V) Taiwania 57 (4):377-383 / Bulbophyllum tenuislinguaeBulbophyllum hymenanthumEpipogum kentingensisNeottia hohuanshanensisLecanorchis bihuensis
  14. Lin, Tsan-Piao and Yan-Ni Chang 2013 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (VI). Taiwania 58(4) 257-267 / Bulbophyllum confragosumBulbophyllum hirundinis var. puniceumBulbophyllum albociliatum var. shanlinshienseNervilia ratisOberonia linguaeGoodyera velutina var. albo-nervosa
  15. Lin, Tsan-Piao 2015 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (VIII) Taiwania 60(4):169‒174 / Epipactis fascicularisNeottia piluchiensisPlatanthera nantousylvatica
  16. Lin, Tsan-Piao, Ho-Yih Liu, Chang-Fu Hsieh and Kuo-Hsiung Wang 2016 Complete list of the native orchids of Taiwan and their type information Taiwania 61(2): 78-126
  17. Lin, Tsan-Piao 2017 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (IX) Taiwania 62 (2): 205‒210 / Aphyllorchis montana Reichb. f. forma pingtungensis T. P. Lin, Cheirostylis pusilla Lindl. var. simplex T.P. Lin, and Cheirostylis nantouensis T.P. Lin.
  18. Lin, Tsan-Piao and Da-Ming Huang 2017 Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (X) Taiwania 62 (4): 349-355 Habenaria alishanensis, Neottia cinsbuensis, Nephelaphyllum tenuiflorum
  19. Lin, Tsan-Piao 2020 New additions of Oreorchis, Cheirostylis, and Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) from Taiwan Taiwania 65(4): 463‒472
  20. Lin, Wei-Min, Ling-Long Kuo Huang and Tsan-Piao Lin 2006 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan Taiwania 51(3): 162-169 / Bulbophyllum fimbriperianthiumEulophia pulchra var. actinomorphaSaccolabiopsis wulaokenensisTropidia nanhuae
  21. Lin, Wei-Min, Tien-Chung Hsu and Tsan-Piao Lin 2007 Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (II) Taiwania 52(4): 281-286 / Corybas shanlinshiensisDendrobium luzonenseNervilia crociformis
  22. Liu, Qiang, Yu Song, Xiao-Hua Jin and Jiang-Yun Gao 2019 Phylogenetic relationships of Gastrochilus (Orchidaceae) based on nuclear and plastid DNA data Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 189 (3): 223
  23. Liu, Zhong-Jian, Sing-Chi Chen and Li-Jun Chen 2008 Ypsilorchis and Ypsilorchidinae, a new genus and a new subtribe of Orchidaceae Journal of Systematics and Evolution 6 (4): 622–627
  24. Lok, Alvin Francis S. L., W. F. Ang and Hugh T. W. Tan 2010 The status and distribution in Singapore of Pomatocalpa diffusum Breda Nature in Singapore 3: 147–152
  25. Lok, Alvin Francis S. L., W. F. Ang, K. Y. Chong and Hugh T. W. Tan 2010 Rediscovery of Liparis barbata Lindle. (Orchidaceae) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 3: 277–281
  26. Makino, T. 1905 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from vol. XVIII p. 160) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19 (216): 6-22
  27. Malekal, Norhslinda, Anthony Lamb and Monica Suleiman 2013 A New Species of Trichotosia from Sabah, Malaysian Borneo Malesian Orchid Journal l2 29-3l
  28. Margońska, Hanna B. 2009 A new species of Stichorkis (Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae) from Sarawak in Malaysia Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 13:9-12
  29. Motomura, Hiroyuki, Marc-Andre Selosse, Florent Martos, Akira Kagawa and Tomohisa Yukawa 2010 Mycoheterotrophy evolved from mixotrophic ancestors: evidence in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) Annals of Botany] 106: 573–581


  1. O'Byrne, Peter and Linus Gokusing 2017 Notes on Borneo Orchids 4: New Species, New Records and Emendatory Notes Malesian Orchid Journal 20: 31–61
  2. Ormerod, Paul 2002 Some Brief Notes on Taiwanese Orchids 1 Taiwania 47(4) 239-245
  3. Ormerod, Paul 2003 Orchidaceous additions to the floras of China and Taiwan. Taiwania 48: 87-93.
  4. Ormerod, Paul 2004 Orchidaceous additions to the floras of China and Taiwan (II) Taiwania 49(2): 95-101
  5. Ormerod, Paul 2004 Orchidaceous Additions to the Philippine Flora Taiwania 49: 175-182
  6. Ormerod, Paul 2005 Notulae Goodyerinae (II) Taiwania 50(1): 1-10
  7. Ormerod, Paul 2005 Some notes on Phreatia Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Taiwania 50(3): 183-190
  8. Ormerod, Paul 2006 Notulae Goodyerinae (III) Taiwania 51(3): 153-161
  9. Ormerod, Paul 2009 Notulae Goodyerinae (IV) Taiwania 54(1): 45-51 / Aspidogyne carauchanaAspidogyne chocoensisMicrochilus dryanderaeMicrochilus perijanusMicrochilus procerus
  10. Ormerod, Paul 2012 Orchidaceous Additions to the Floras of China and Myanmar Taiwania 57 (2):117-126
  11. Ormerod, Paul 2014 A synopsis of Eria Lindl. section Cylindrolobus (Blume) Lindl. (Orchidaceae: Eriinae) in Malesia Harvard Papers in Botany 19 (1) 77–95
  12. Ormerod, Paul 2014 Studies of West Malesian Agrostophyllum Blume (Orchidaceae) 2 Taiwania 59: 331-339
  1. Pedersen, Henrik Æ. and Paul Ormerod 2009 Notes on the orchid flora of Thailand (I) Taiwania 54(3): 213-218
  2. Sawa, Shinichiro, Hirokazu Fukunaga and Yutaka Sawa 2006 Lecanorchis amethystea (Orchidaceae), A new species from Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 57(2):123-128
  3. Sierra,S. E. C., B. Gravendee and E. F. de Vogel 2000 Revision of Coelogyne section Verrucosae (Orchidaceae): a new sectional delimitation based on morphologicaland molecular evidence Blume 45 275-318
  4. Su, Horng-Jye 2000 Contribution to a Revised Orchid Flora of Taiwan (IV) Taiwania 45(3): 239-248 / Listera meifongensisGaleola
  5. Su, Horng-Jye 2002 The systematic position of Genus Didiciea (Orchidaceae) and Its Occurrence in Taiwan. Taiwania 47(3) 232-238
  6. Sun, Mei 1996 The Allopolyploid Origin of Spiranthes hongkongensis (Orchidaceae) American Journal of Botany 83 (2): 252-260
  7. Tan, Yun-Hong, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Bo Pan, Jian-Wu Li and Qiang Liu 2012 Gastrodia albidoides (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae), a new species from Yunnan, China Phytotaxa 66: 38–42
  8. Tian, Huai-Zhen and Xing Fu-Wu 2007 Identity of Goodyera shixingensis (Orchidaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 45(5): 751–752
  9. Tsutsumi, Chie, Tomohisa Yukawa and Masahiro Kato 2019 Taxonomic Reappraisal of Liparis japonica and L. makinoana (Orchidaceae) Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 45 (3): 107–118
  10. Wang, Jenn-che and Yu-Chuan Lu 1994 Additional observation on Corybas taiwanensis Lin & Lu (Orchidaceae). Bio. Bull. NTNU 29(1) 53-55
  11. Watthana, Santi 2006 The Pomatocalpa maculosum Complex (Orchidaceae) Resolved by multivariate morphometric analysis Taiwania 51(1): 1-10
  12. Yahara, Tetsukazu and MutsuKo Nakajima 2018 A New Record of Gastrodia albida T. C. Hsu & C. M. Kuo (Orchidaceae) from Yaku Island, Japan Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 69 (3): 203–208
  13. Yamamoto, Y. 1924 Genus novum Orchidacearum ex Formosa Bot. Mag. Tokyo 38 (456): 209-212
  14. Yang, Chen-Jui and Jenn-Che Wang 2014 Cymbidium macrorhizon Lindl., a newly recorded mycoheterotrophic orchid in Taiwan TW J. of Biodivers. 16(1):85-93
  15. Yang, Chih-Kai, Hsin-Ting Yeh, Chong-Sheng Leou, Ya-Nan Wang 2014 Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.) Ormerod (Orchidaceae), a Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan Taiwan J For Sci 29(1): 79-84
  16. Yeh, Ching-Long, Chuan-Rong Yeh and Chong-Sheng Leou 2005 Zeuxine philippinenses (Ames) Ames (Orchidaceae), a newly recorded plant in Taiwan. Taiwania 50(4): 284-289
  17. Yeh, Ching-Long, Chuan-Rong Yeh, Chong-Sheng Leou 2005 Hetaeria Oblongifolia (Bl.) Bl. (Orchidaceae), a newly recorded orchid in Taiwan. Taiwan J. For. Sci. 20(4): 355-359
  18. Yeh, Ching-Long, Chuan-Rong Yeh and Chong-Sheng Leou 2006 An observation on the Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Bl. (Orchidaceae) from Lanyu. Taiwania 51(1) 53-57
  19. Yeh, Ching-Long, Chong-Sheng Leou and Chuan-Rong Yeh 2006 Erythrodes triantherae C. L. Yeh et C. S. Leou (Orchidaceae), A new species bearing 1-3 anthers Taiwania 51(4): 266-272
  20. Yeh, Ching-Long, Chong-Sheng Leou and Chuan-Rong Yeh 2009 A New Species of Tropidia (Orchidaceae) from Southern Taiwan. Taiwania 54(2) 140-144
  21. Ying, Shao-shun 1989 Miscellaneous notes on flora of Taiwan (10) J. Jpn. Bot. 64 (5): 148-156
  22. Yukawa, Tomohisa, Shih-Wen Chung, Yibo Luo, Ching-I Peng, Arata Momohara and Hiroaki Setoguchi 2003 Reappraisal of Kitigorchis (Orchidaceae) Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 44:345-351
  23. Yukawa, Tomohisa, Akihiko Kinoshita and Nobuyuki Tanaka 2013 Molecular Identification Resolves Taxonomic Confusion in Grammatophyllum speciosum Complex (Orchidaceae) Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B 39 (3): 137–145
  24. Yukawa, Tomohisa 2016 Taxonomic Notes on the Orchidaceae of Japan and Adjacent Regions Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B 42 (3): 103–111
  25. Zhanhe, Ji 1996 A preliminary revision of Gastrochilus (Orchidaceae). Guihaia 16(2):123-154


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China Plant Web

China Plant Reference

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