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- Mughal Empire
- Erosion, Himalayan Geodynamics, and the Geomorphology of Metamorphism
- Himalayas – Glaciers, Valleys, Snowline
- Kashmir Great Lakes Trek
- Kashmir Great Lakes Trek | Dare2Venture
- Kashmir Great Lakes Trek - Trek The Himalayas
- Great Lakes Trek in the Himalayas of Kashmir
- Eakins, Nicholas 2010 Exploring Ladakh Markha Valley Trekking and Homestay Guide Hanish & Co ISBN 978-81-7927-004-2
- Ahmed, Tanveer, Mohammad Shoeb, Pankaj Chandan, Afifullah Khan 2016 On the status of the Long-tailed Marmot Marmota caudata (Mammalia: Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Kargil, Ladakh (Indian Trans-Himalaya) Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(9): 9171–9176
- British Exploring Society 2014 Ladakh Indian Himalaya Science Report 2014 British Exploring Society
- British Exploring Society 2015 Indian Himalaya Expedition Science Report 2015 British Exploring Society
- Kotliam Bahadur singh, Ingelore Hinz-Schallreuter, Roger Schalitruter and Jurgen Schwarz 1998 Evolution of Lamayuru palaeolake in the Trans Himalaya: Palaeoecological implications Eiszeitalter u. Gegenwart 48 177-191
- Rana, Man S. and S. S Samant 2011 Diversity, indigenous uses and conservation status of medicinal plants in Manali wildlife sanctuary, North western Himalaya Indian J. Traditional Knowledge 10 (3) 439-459
- Zeitler, P. K., A. S. Meltzer, Peter O. Koons, David Craw, Bernard Hallet, C. Page Chamberlain, William S. F. Kidd, Strphen K. Park, Leonardo Seeber, Michael Bishop and John Shroder 2001 Erosion, Himalayan geodynamics, and the geomorphology of metamorphism GSA Today 11 4-9
India Plant Web
- eFlora of India-Botanical Survey of India;https://efloraindia.bsi.gov.in/eFlora/completeFamilyList.action
- Nelumbo - The Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India;https://nelumbo-bsi.org/
- Flowers of India
- IBIS-FLORA Angiosperm Flora of India
- India Biodiversity Portal
- Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India
- Botanical Survey of India (BSI)
- Bio-diversity of Jammu and Kashmir
- Field Guide Floral Diversity of Ladakh PDF
- Research in Ladakh,India-Institute of Botany ASCR
- Klimeš, L. and B. Dickoré, Flora of Ladak (NW Himalaya) - a preliminary check-list
- eFlora of India Family List
- Fleurs de notre Terre
- Lists of Common Tree Names or List of Latin Botanical Tree Names
- Mangrove of India
- Gingers of india
- List of botanical gardens in India-Wiki
- Database of Indian Plants- developed by the members of Efloraofindia Google Group.
- Rhododendron - Darjeeling
- A Brief Introduction to Traditional Tibetan Medicine in Ladakh - J.Crow's
- Amchi System – Zanskar Health Association
- Himalayan Mountain Vegetation - Biome Explorer
- Western Himalayan Ecosystems - Terrestrial Biozones
- The Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) program
- Reviews of Floras - Chris Chadwell
- Natural Resources E-herbaria-Himalayan Voices
- Hortus Bengalensis - William Carey University
- Singh, Paramjit, Sudhansu Sekhar Dash and Sinha, Bipin Kumar 2019 Plants of indian himalayan region Part I - National Mission on Himalayan Studies
- Sinha, Bipin Kumar, Sudhansu Sekhar Dash and Paramjit Singh 2019 Plants of indian himalayan region Part II National Mission on Himalayan Studies
- Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute 2012-2014 Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden Annual Report
- WILDLIFE INSTITUTE OF INDIA 2008 Special Habitats and Threatened Plants of India 11 (1)
- HIMALAYAN FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Initiatives and Achievements in the Cold Deserts of Himachal Pradesh & Jammu & Kashmir
- WILDLIFE INSTITUTE OF INDIA 2008 Special Habitats and Threatened Plants of India
- Plant diversity and angiosperms in india - UK Essays
- Dash, S. S. and P. Singh Trees of Sikkim Sikkim Forest Department
- Hajra, P. K. & D. M. Verma 1996 Flora of Sikkim vol.1 (Monocotyledons) Botanical Survey of India
- Polunin, Oleg and Adam Stainton 1997 Flowers of the Himalaya (Oxford India Paperbacks) Softcover, Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-564187-6
- Singh, N. P., J. N. Vohra, P. K. Hajra & D. K. Singh 2000 FLORA OF INDIA - Olacaceae-Connaraceae Botanical Survey of India 5: 1-608
- Balakrishnan, N. P., T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan and P. Singh 2012 FLORA OF INDIA-Loranthaceae-Daphniphyllaceae Botanical Survey of India 23: 1-567
- Bano, Roohi and M. Qaiser 2011 A taxonomic revisopn of the genus Lactuca L. (Cichorieae-Asteraceae) from Pakistan and Kashmir Pak. J. Bot 43(5) 2259-2268
- Bhattacharyya, Debjyoti 2011 Rhododendron Species and Their Uses with Special Reference to Himalayas – A Review Biological and Environmental Sciences 7 (1) 161-167
- Bhellum, B. L. 2014 Campus flora of Amar Singh College, Srinagar (Kashmir), india: a checklist India J. Biol. Earth Sci. 4(1): B72- B82
- Biswas, Sas. and S. Showkat Hussain Livelihood studies on willow Dependent Communities of Indian Trans Himalayan Region with Emphasis on Sustainable Management of Bioresource and Better Well Being Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education
- Blatter, Ethelbert 1928 Beautiful flowers of Kashmir John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd.
- Borah, Rajib Lochan 2014 An updated account of the name changes of the dicotyledonous plant species included in the vol: I (1934-36) & vol: II (1938) of "Flora of Assam" Plant Archives 14 (1): 87-96
- Chawla. Amit, S. Rajkumar, K. N. Singh, Brij Lal and R. D. Singh 2008 Plant species diversity along an altitudinal gradient of Bhabha Valley in Western Himalaya J. Mt. Sci. 5: 157–177
- Chawla. Amit, Om Parkash, Varun Sharma, S. Rajkumar, Brij Lal, Gopichand, R.D. Singh and A. K. Thukral 2012 Vascular plants, Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India Check List 8(3): 321-348,
- Dad, Javaid M. and Anisa B. Khan 2012 Filling gaps on the distribution of Arabis nova Vill, Thlaspi coclearioides Hook.f and Thomas, Gentiana venusta Wall. ex Griseb and Primula involucrata Wall.ex Dubey in Gurez valley, Kashmir, India Check List 8 (6): 1319–1320
- Dad, Javaid M. and Zafar A. Reshi 2013 Classification and compositional differentiation of alpine grassland vegetation of Gurez Valley, Kashmir Pak. J. Bot. 45 1-13
- Dad, Javaid M. and Zafar A. Reshi 2015 Floristic composition and diversity patterns of vascular plants in mountain meadow of Gurez valley, Kashmir, India Taiwania 60(1): 8‒17
- Dad, Javaid M. 2016 Distribution, species diversity and composition of plant communities in relation to various affecting factors in an alpine grassland at Bandipora, Kashmir Pak. J. Bot. 48 (2): 551-560
- Dar, A. R. and Ghulam Hassan Dar 2006 Taxonomic Appraisal of Conifers of Kashmir Himalaya Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9 (5): 859-867
- Dar, A. R., G. H. Dar and Zafar Reshi 2006 Recovery and restoration of some critically endangered endemic angiosperms of the Kashmir Himalaya J. Biol. Sci. 6 (6) 985-991
- Dar, G. H. and A. A. Khuroo 2013 Floristic Diversity in the Kashmir Himalaya: Progress, Problems and Prospects (Kepelbagaian Flora di Himalaya Kshmir: Kemajuan, Masalah dan Prospek) Sains Malaysiana 42 (10): 1377–1386
- Dar, Gh. Hassan, Akhtar H. Malik and Anzar A. Khuroo 2014 A Contribution to the Flora of Rajouri and Poonch Districts in the Pir Panjal Himalaya (Jammu & Kashmir), India Check List 10(2): 317–328
- Deshmukh, P. and S. Jain 2016 Assessment of floristic diversity in miyar valley of Lahaul and Spiti dsitrict, Himachal pradesh, India Journal of Global Resources 2 90-95
- Devi, Usha, M. K. Seth, Pankaj Sharma and J. C. Rana 2013 Study on ethnomedicinal plants of Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary : A cold desert in Trans Himalaya, India Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 7(47) 3400-3419
- Dhatchanamoorthy, N., Kaliamoorthy Ravikumar, Chakre Lokho 2018 Additions to the flora of Manipur state, North-Eastern India Pleione 12 (1): 132-142
- Dolezal, Jiri, Miroslav Dvorsky, Martin Kopecky, Pierre Liancourt, Inga Hiiesalu, Martin Macek, Jan Altman, Zuzana Chlumska, Klara Rehakova, Katerina Capkova, Jakub Borovec, Ondrej Mudrak, Jan Wild & Fritz Schweingruber 2016 Vegetation dynamics at the upper elevational limit of vascular plants in Himalaya Scientific Reports 6 24881 1-13
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- Dvorský, Miroslav 2014 Ecology of alpine plants in NW Himalaya Ph.D. Thesis No. 2. University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, School of Doctoral Studies in Biological Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 196 pp
- Dvorský, Miroslav, Jan Altman, Martin Kopecký, Zuzana Chlumská, Klára Řeháková, Kateřina Janatková and Jiří Doležal 2015 Vascular plants at extreme elevations in eastern Ladakh, northwest Himalayas Plant Ecology & Diversity 8(4): 1-14
- Eberhardt, Einar , W. B. Dickoré and G. Miehe 2007 Vegetation map of the Batura Valley ( Hunza Karakorum, North Pakistan) Band 61 93-112
- Gairola, Sanjay R. S. Rawal and N. P. Todaria 2008 Forest vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient in sub-alpine zone of west Himalaya, India African Journal of Plant Science 2(6): 42-48
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- Khuroo, Anzar Ahmad, Irfan Rashid, Zafar Reshi, G. H. Dar, B. A. Wafai 2007The alien flora of Kashmir Himalaya Biol Invasions 9:269–292
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- Kumar, Amit, Monideepa Mitra, Bhupendra S. Adhikari and Gopal S. Rawat 2016 Flora of Niti Valley: a cold arid region of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Western Himalaya, India Check List 12(1): 1824
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