討論:Glochidion acuminatum


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Glochidion acuminatum

  • Phyllanthus meghalayensis Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.;J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33: 714 2009;Chakrabarty, T. and N. P. Balakrishnan 2009 Transfer of Indian species of Breynia, Glochidion and Sauropus to Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) – new combinations and new names Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 712–716

  • Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg.;許媖素、呂福原、鄧書麟、廖政麒 2006 台灣饅頭果屬植物 (大戟科) 之分類研究 林業研究季刊 28(3) 53 Fig 2
  • Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg.;姚纲,张连婕,薛彬娥,罗世孝 2017 中国算盘子属(叶下珠科)果实形态特征及其分类学意义 植物科学学报 35(2): 139-151
  • Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg.;Chakrabarty, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19: 1811995;Chakrabarty, Tapas and M. Gangopadhyay 1995 The genus Glochidion (Euphorbiaceae) in the Indian subcontinent J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19: 173-233

Glochidion acuminatum var. siamense

  • Glochidion acuminatum var. siamense Airy Shaw;Kew Bull. 26: 273 1972.

  • Glochidion triandrum var. siamense (Airy Shaw) P.T.Li;Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 62 (1988)
