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Ranunculaceae Reference

  1. Compton, J. A., A. Culham and S. L. Jury. 1998 Reclassification of Actaea to include Cimicifuga and Souliea (Ranunculaceae): phylogeny inferred from morphology, nrDNA ITS, and cpDNA trnL-F sequence variation Taxon 47: 593-634.
  1. Jee, Vir, Uppeandra Dhar and P. Kachroo 1989 Contribution to the phytogeography of kashmir himalaya I. Ranunculaceae and Paeoniaceae Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 24: 387–402
  2. Kadota, Yuichi 1984 Morphological Variation and Distribution of Aconitum Subgenus Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) in the Tohoku District, Japan Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 17 77-90
  3. Koidzumi, Geniti 1925 Contributiones ad Cognitionem Florae Asiae Orientalis, XII. (continued from vol. XXXVIII. p. 113.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39 (457): 1-30
  4. Jiang, Nan, Zhuang Zhou, Jun-Bo Yang, Shu-Dong Zhang, Kai-Yun Guan, Yun-Hong Tan, Wen-Bin Yu 2017 Phylogenetic reassessment of tribe Anemoneae (Ranunculaceae): Non-monophyly of Anemone s.l. revealed by plastid datasets PLoS ONE 12 (3): e0174792
  5. Kadota, Yuichi 2010 Systematic Studies of Asian Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) XIII. Species of Bhutan Including a New Scandent Species J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 8-24
  6. Kadota, Yuichi 2014 Coptis Sect. Metacoptis Subsect. Japanocoptis (Ranunculaceae), with description of a new species and a new variety from Japan J. Jpn. Bot. 79 (5): 311-321
  7. Lee, Hyun-Woo and Chong-Wook Park 2004 New Taxa of Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae) from Korea and the United States NOVON 14: 180–184
  8. Maciejewska-Rutkowska, Irmina and Wojciech Antkowiak 2013 Taxonomic utility of achene morphology and anatomy in Anemone L. (Ranunculaceae) species Acta Biological Cracoviensia Series Botanica 55 (1): 29–36
  9. Makino, T. 1910 Observations on the Flora of Japan (Continued from p. 22.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 (277): 28-35
  10. Makino, T. 1910 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p.130.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 (282): 137-147
  11. Makino, T. 1911 Observations on the Flora of Japan (Continued from vol. XXIV. p. 305.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 25 (288): 9-18
  12. Mosyakin, S. L. 2018 Further new combinations in Anemonastrum (Ranunculaceae) for Asian and North American taxa Phytoneuron 55: 1–11
  13. Mosyakin, S. L. 2018 The correct name in Knowltonia for an iconic southern African species earlier known as Anemone tenuifolia and A. capensis (Ranunculaceae) Ukr. Bot. J. 75 (3): 230–237
  14. Nakai, T. 1928 Notulæ ad Plantas Japoniæ & Koreæ. XXXV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42 (493) 1-26
  15. Ohwi, Jisaburo 1932 Symbolae ad FIoram Asiae Orientalis (V) Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1 (2): 140-144
  16. Ohwi, Jisaburo 1933 Symbolae ad FIoram Asiae Orientalis 9 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2 (3): 149-170
  17. Perveen, Anjum, Muhammad Qaiser 2006 Pollen flora of Pakistan-L. Ranunculaceae Pak. J. Bot. 38(3): 499-509
  18. Rani, Savita, Kumar Sanjeev,Syed Mudassir Jeelani,Kumari Santosh and R. C. Gupta 2011 Cytological studies in some members of family Ranunculaceae from Western Himalayas (India) Caryologia 64 (4): 405-418
  19. Tamura, Michio 1955 Notulae novae ad Ranunculaceae Asiae orientalis I Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16(4): 110-112
  20. Tamura, Michio 1959 Notulae Novae ad Ranunculaceas Asiae Orientalis 3 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18 (2-3): 64-67
  21. Tamura, Michio 1968 Ranunculaceae of north-western Nepal Collected by K. Nishioka and O. Namikawa in 1958 Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 23(1-2): 28-34
  22. Tamura, Michio 1968 Ranunculaceae of eastern Nepal collected by S. Nakao and his party in 1962 Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 23:(3-4 ) 100-108
  23. Xiang, Kun-Li, Sheng-Dan Wu, Sheng-Xian Yu, Yang Liu, Florian Jabbour, Andrey S. Erst, Liang Zhao, Wei Wang, Zhi-Duan Chen 2016 The first comprehensive phylogeny of Coptis (Ranunculaceae) and its implications for character evolution and classification PLoS ONE 11 (4): e015312
  24. Yang, Qing-Er; GONG Xun; GU Zhi-Jian; WU Quan-An 1993 A karyomorphological study of five species in the Ranunculaceae from Yunnan, with a special consideration on systematic positions of asteropyrum and calathodes Acta Botanica Yunnanica 15(2) 179-190
  25. Yang, Qin-Er. 2002 Cytology of ten species in Anemone, one in Anemoclema and six in Clematis (Trib. Anemoneae, Ranunculaceae) from China Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 40(5): 396-405.
  26. Yang, Tsung-Yu & Tseng Chieng Huang 1989 Notes on the flora of Taiwan (5): The Thalictrum Tournef. ex L. (Ranunculaceae). Taiwania 34(1):58-73
  27. Yang, T. Y. Aleck, James A. Compton 1995 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (4) The genus Cimicifuga L. ex Wernisch. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 36 253-257
  28. Yang, T. Y. Aleck & Tseng Chieng Huang 1996 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (6) - Some genera in Taiwan. Taiwania 41(2): 117-153
  29. Yang, T. Y. Aleck and Tseng-Chueng Huang 2008 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (8) - Revision of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan. Taiwania 53(2): 210-229

  1. 大場秀章 2000 Coptis japonica (Thunb.) Makino及 び Coptis anemonifolia Siebold & Zucc. var. dissecta Yatabe のタイプ 植物研究雑誌 75: 368-369
  2. 中井猛之進 1941 新屬きぶねぎくノ學名 植物研究雑誌 17 (5): 263-272
  3. 王文采 1957 中国毛茛科植物小志 植物分类学报 6(4):361-391
  4. 王文采 1974 中国毛茛科植物小志(三) 植物分类学报 12(2): 155-190
  5. 王文采、李良千 1986 中国毛茛科植物小志 (十一) 云南植物研究 8(3):259-270
  6. 王文采 1987 中国毛茛科植物小志(十二) 植物研究 7 (2): 95-114
  7. 王文采 1993 中国毛茛科植物小志(十六)云南植物研究 15(4): 347-352
  8. 王文采 1993 中国毛茛科植物小志(十五) 植物分类学报 31: 201-226
  9. 王文采 1998 中国毛茛科植物小志(贰二) 云南植物研究 36(2) 150-172
  10. 王文采 2008 云南毛茛科新分类群 云南植物研究 30(5): 519-524
  11. 王文采,刘冰 2008 银莲花属一新组和一新种 植物分类学报 46(5): 738–741
  12. 本田正次 1938 檜山氏採集の新品二三 植物研究雑誌 14 (2): 148
  13. 北川政夫 1961 東亜植物断想録 (13) 植物研究雑誌 36 (1): 17-23
  14. 田村道夫 1956 東亞産キンポウゲ科についての新知見/ Notulae novae ad Ranunculaceae Asiae orientalis I. 植物分類,地理 16 (4): 110-112
  15. 田村道夫 1978 日本産オウレン属の一新種 / A new species of Coptis in Japan 北陸の植物 26 (1): 2-5
  16. 宋萍、田先华、任毅 2007 驴蹄草属金莲花属(毛茛科)花器官的形态发生及系统学意义 植物分类学报 45(6):769–782
  17. 向刚,傅体华,范巧佳 2010 中药黄连3种基原植物的核型研究 中国中药杂志 35(11) 1367-1371
  18. 李本良 余湘云 1989 小银莲花一新变种 植物分类学报 27(2) 152
  19. 坂本 彰,瀬尾明弘,藤川和美 2018 シコクバイカオウレンキンポウゲ科)の分類学的再検討 植物研究雑誌 93 (1) 37-53
  20. 佐竹義輔長 1949 日本オウレン属に就いて / A note on the Coptis of Japan J Jap Bot 24: 69–74.
  21. 牧野富太郎 1899 日本植物調査報知第十六回 植物学雑誌 13 (148): 197-201
  22. 斎木保久 1974 日本産トリカブトの分類 東海自然誌:静岡県自然史研究報告 (1) 15-21
  23. 宮部金吾,館脇操 1935 北日本植物誌料(六) / Contributions to the flora of northern Japan VI 札幌博物学会会報 14(2), 69-86
  24. 杨亲二,龚洵,顾志建,武全安 1993 云南五种毛茛科植物的核形态研究兼论星果草属鸡爪草属的系统位置 云南植物研究 15(2): 179-190
  25. 傅德志 1988 毛茛科人字果属的研究 植物分类学报 26(4) 249-264

Clematis Reference

  1. Anilkumar, K. A. 2013 A new species of Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae) from western Ghats of Kerala, India IJPAES 3(4) 81-85
  2. Brandenburg, Willem A. 2000 Meclatis in Clematis: Yellow flowering Clematis species Systematic studies in Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae), inclusive of cultonomic aspects Wageningen Universiteit ISBN 90-5808-237-7
  3. Elliott, Alan 2019 Flora Of Nepal Ranunculaceae edition 1 - Clematis Ranunculaceae: Webedition
  4. Kitagawa, Masao 1937 On the species of Clematis sect. Tubulosae J. Jap.Bot. 13 (5): 343-360
  5. Kumar, Sanjeev, Santosh Kumari, Raghbir Chand Gupta and Vikas Kumar Sharma 2017 Cytogenetic Studies of Genus Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae) from the Western Himalayas, India Cytologia 82(4): 355–361
  6. Mukerjee, S. K. 1959 Enumeration of Indian Flowering Plants NELUMBO Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 1 (1): 138-141
  7. Ohwi, Jisaburo 1933 Symbolae ad FIoram Asiae Orientalis 9 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2 (3): 149-170
  8. Ohwi, Jisaburo 1937 Symbolae ad FIoram Asiae Orientalis 15 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6 (3): 145-153
  9. Savita, Rani, Kumar Sanjeev, Jeelani Syed Mudassir, Kumari Santosh and Gupta Raghbir Chand 2011 Cytological studies in some members of family Ranunculaceae from Western Himalayas (India) Caryologia 64: (4) 405-418
  10. Shimizu, Tatemi 1973 A New Species of Clematis (Ranunculaceae) from Taiwan Taiwania 18: 173-175
  11. Tamura, Michio 1953 Notes on Clematis of Eastern Asia 1. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15 (1): 17-21
  12. Tamura, Michio 1956 Notes on Clematis of Eastern Asia III Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 16(3): 79-83
  13. Tobe, Hiroshi 1979 Morphological studies on the genus Clematis Linn IV. Vascular anatomy of the inflorescence axis, with some consideration of the evolution of the floral shoot with simple axillary inflorescences Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 92: 197-215
  14. Tobe, Hiroshi 1980 Morphological studies on the genus Clematis Linn VII. Reinvestigation of Clematis williamsii A. Gray and proposal of its taxonomic transfer to Clematopsis Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 93: 135-148
  15. Tobe, Hiroshi 1980 Morphological studies on the genus Clematis Linn. VIII. Floral and inflorescence anatomy in Clematis patens with eight-sepaled flowers Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 93: 253-263
  16. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2003 A revision of Clematis sect. Clematis (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 41(1): 1-62
  17. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2003 A revision of Clematis sect. Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Continued) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 41(2): 97-172
  18. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2004 A revision of Clematis sect. Aspidanthera s. l. (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 42(1) 1-72
  19. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2004 A revision of Clematis sect. Brachiatae (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 42(4) 289-332
  20. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2004 A revision of Clematis sect. Pseudanemone (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 42(5) 385-418
  21. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2006 Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (VI) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44(3): 327-339.
  22. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2006 A revision of Clematis sect. Meclatis (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44(4) 401-436
  23. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2006 A revision of Clematis sect. Naraveliopsis (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44 (6): 670-699
  24. Wang, Wen-Tsai 2007 A revision of Clematis sect. Tubulosae (Ranunculaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 45(4) 425-457
  25. Yang, Qin-Er. 2002 Cytology of ten species in Anemone, one in Anemoclema and six in Clematis (Trib. Anemoneae, Ranunculaceae) from China Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 40(5): 396-405.
  26. Yang, T. Y. A. and T. C. Huang 1992 Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (3) - Clematis section Viorna (Reichb.) Prantl. Taiwania 37(1): 19-53.
  27. Yang, T. Y. A. and T. C. Huang 1995 Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (5) - The genus Clematis L. Taiwania 40(3): 209-255.
  28. Yang, T. Y. Aleck 2009 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (7) - Two new taxa and a new distributional record of Clematis in Taiwan Botanical Studies 50:499-510

  1. 王文采 2000 铁线莲属研究随记(II) 植物分类学报 38(5): 401-429
  2. 王文采 2001 铁线莲属研究随记(IV) 植物分类学报 39(1): 1-19
  3. 王文采、李良千 2005 铁线莲属一新分类系统 植物分类学报 43(5):431-488
  4. 田村道夫 1953 東亞産センニンソウ屬についての知見 I 植物分類,地理 15 (1): 17-21
  5. 田村道夫 1954 東亞産センニンソウ屬についての知見 II 植物分類,地理 15 (4): 117-120
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  7. 田村道夫 1983 キイセンニンソウ列の再検討 植物分類,地理 34: 94-98
  8. 吴海燕、孙坤、蔡正旺、苏雪、庞海龙 2008 灌木铁线莲毛茛科)花器官的发生与发育 植物研究 28(3) 273-277
  9. 孙诚、谢磊、李良千 2007 铁线莲属尾叶铁线莲组(毛茛科)基于形态学证据的分支系统学 植物学通报 24(1):87-98
  10. 蔡正旺、黄勇 2008 铁线莲属植物的研究进展 安徽农业科学 36(18):7632-7634
  11. 蔡艳飞、李世峰、李 涵、李树发 2009 中国铁线莲属植物研究进展 中国农学通报 25(04):195-198
  12. 谢摇磊,彭摇鹏,阳文静,李良千 2012 中国杜鹃花科一新记录属及铁线莲属一新种 植物分类与资源学报 34 (2): 157-163

Ranunculus Reference

  1. Erst, Andrey S. and Alexander P. Sukhorukov 2011 Records of Ranunculus longicaulis and R. pseudohirculus (Ranunculaceae) from Nepal Taiwania 56 (3): 218-222
  2. Fujishima, Hirosumi 2012 Karyological relationship of Ranunculus sundaicus (Backer) Eichler (Ranunculaceae) in Java to Ranunculus silerifolius Lév. in the Japanese archipelago Chromosome Science 15: 3-8
  3. Kadota, Yuichi 1991 Taxonomic notes on some alpine species of Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) in the Himalaya Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. Bot. 34: 95-115
  4. Kuo, et. al., Taiwania 50: 215 f.6 2005;Kuo, Shu-Miao, Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang and Jenn-Che Wang 2005 Revision of Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. and Allied Species (Ranunculaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 50(3): 209-221
  5. Liao, Liang & Lingling Xu 1997 New Taxa of the Genus Ranunculus from China and Their Karyotypes Acta Phytotax. Sin. 35: 57-62
  6. Liao, Liang, Lingling Xu, Daming Zhang, Liang Fang, Huisheng Deng, Junwei Shi, Tongjian L 2008 Multiple hybridization origin of Ranunculus cantoniensis (4x): evidence from trnL-F and ITS sequences and fluorescent in situ hybridization Plant Syst Evol 276: 31–37
  7. Lone, Fayaz A., Shazia Lone, G. H. Dar and B. A. Wafai 2013 The Bewildering Taxonomy of Genus Ranunculus with Particular Reference to Kashmir Himalaya Journal of Research & Development 13: 1-19
  8. Lone, Fayaz A., Shazia Lone, Malik Asif, G. H. Dar and B. A. Wafai 2015 Diversity and distribution of genus Ranunculus Linnaeus (Ranunculaceae) in the trans-Himalayan (Ladakh) region in J & K, India Pleione 9(1): 49-60
  9. Lone, Fayaz A. and G. H. Dar 2016 Diversity and distribution of Buttercups (Ranunculus Linnaeus) in Kashmir valley of J & K, India Pleione 10 (2): 209-225
  10. Makino, Tomitarô 1931 A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Flora of Nippon (Continued from p. 14) J. Jap. Bot. 7 (7):15-18
  11. Mourad, Magdy M., Karima A. Hamed and Abdel Salam M. Al-Nowaihi 2000. The morphology and anatomy of the achene in certain species of sub-family Ranunculoideae (Ranunculaceae) with special reference to the achene vasculature Taeckholmia 20 (1): 33-49
  12. Paun, Ovidiu, Carlos Lehnebach, Jan T. Johansson, Peter Lockhart and Elvira Hörand 2005 Phylogenetic Relationships and Biogeography of Ranunculus and Allied Genera (Ranunculaceae) in the Mediterranean Region and in the European Alpine System Taxon 54(4): 911-930
  13. Rastipishe, Sare, Maneezhe Pakravan and Akhtar Tavassoli 2011 Phylogenetic relationships in Ranunculus species (Ranunculaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F sequences Progress in Biological Sciences 1 (1) 41-47
  14. Srivastava, S. K. 2010 Revision of Genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) in India Taiwania 55 (3): 273-314
  15. Yang, T. Y. Aleck & Tseng Chieng Huang 1996 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (6) - Some genera in Taiwan. Taiwania 41(2): 117-153
  16. Yang, T. Y. Aleck and Tseng-Chueng Huang 2008 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (8) - Revision of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan. Taiwania 53(2): 210-229
  17. Yuan, Qiong and Qin-Er Yang 2017 The identity of Ranunculus ailaoshanicus (Ranunculaceae) from China Phytotaxa 319 (1): 111-117

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  5. 李相时、赵博、汪小凡 2006 小毛茛雌蕊群的授粉率及花粉管生长途径 云南植物研究 28(3): 236-240
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Web Link

  1. Department of Botany & the U.S. National Herbarium 2017 The Plant Press vol 20 (2) Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
  2. International Association for Vegetation Science 2009 Vegetation Processes and Human Impact in a Changing World 52nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM
  3. 17th International Workshop European Vegetation Survey 2008 Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  4. Gilly, Charles Louis 1950 Phylogenetic development of the inflorescence and generic relationships in the Kobresiaceae Retrospective Theses and Dissertations 13679.
  5. Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. et al, 2015 Lianas and climbing plants of the Neotropics

Books and Journals


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  2. Arora, R. K. 2014 Diversity in underutilized plant species - an Asia-Pacific perspective Bioversity International
  3. Azan, Shakira Stephanie Elaine 2011 Invasive aquatic plants and the aquarium and ornamental pond industries Theses and dissertations Ryerson University P. 818
  4. Beech, E., M. Rivers, S. Oldfield and P. P. Smith 2017 Global Tree Search: The first complete global database of tree species and country distributions Journal of Sustainable Forestry 36: 5 454-489
  5. Bechtel, Albert Reiff 1921 The Floral Anatomy of the Urticales American Journal of Botany 8 (8): 386-410
  6. Chang, C. S., H. Kim, and K. S. Chang. 2014. Provisional Checklist of Vascular Plants For The Korea Peninsula Flora (KPF). Designpost, Pajo.
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  9. Chen, Xin, Hai He and Li-Bing Zhang 2015 A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea Phytotaxa 229 (1):1-189
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